Strong Enough (Wiseguy vid)

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Title: Strong Enough
Creator: Jill
Date: 1994-1995
Format: VCR vid (VHS)
Music: "Strong Enough" by Sheryl Crow
Fandom: Wiseguy

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Strong Enough is a VCR-era Vinnie/Sonny character study vid made by Jill. It premiered at the Escapade vid show in 1995. The vid was showcased in the 2009 Vividcon "Envelope Pushers of the Past" vid show.

In 1995, it was among a selection of Wiseguy fanvids handed by a fan to TV producer Stephen Cannell who was then working on a Wiseguy movie. The fan described Cannell's reaction as being cool with the concept of music videos as long as no money was made. He also thought that fanworks like vids extended the life of the show. Interestingly, even though many of the vid creators were on the same mailing list, no public discussion took place about the wisdom of sharing fanvids with TPTB. [1]

In 1995, one fan wrote the following about the vid:

" memory of this vid at Escapade was one of the reasons I wanted this tape. Very well chosen and executed S/V vid. Thinking of this vid has made the hearing the song five times a day on the radio a treat rather than a torture."[2]

In 1997, the vid was discussed as being one of the song choices that defined a fandom character. In this case, the character was Sonny:

"Sonny--Hm. It'd be difficult to choose between "Strong Enough" (Jill..) and "Can't Keep a Good Man Down" (MC). I appreciate the first not only because it matches, but because she managed to find a Sheryl Crow song that didn't make me want to shoot the singer. The second, again, is a good match, but being one of the few people who actually watched COPROCK (which is where the song is from), I have to say that the character who sings the song in that show strikes me as very Sonny-ish. I think if Sonny had been a cop rather than a mobster, this might have been who he was. (Not to mention the fact that his lawyer is the guy who played Syd Royce.)"[3]


  1. ^ Morgan Dawn's personal notes, accessed October 21, 2104, quoted with permission.
  2. ^ comment posted to the Virgule-L mailing list, quoted anonymously.
  3. ^ Michelle Christian's post to the Virgule-L mailing list on July 21, 1997 quoted with permission.