Starfleet Communiqué

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Title: Starfleet Communiqué
Publisher: STARFLEET: The International Star Trek Fan Association, Inc.
Editor(s): Eric A. Stillwell, Tony Wynn
Date(s): 1981-present
Medium: print
Fandom: Star Trek
External Links: Newsletters are archived here (1989-2009) & more history here
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Starfleet Communiqué is a gen Star Trek: TOS clubzine and newsletter of the STARFLEET: The International Star Trek Fan Association, Inc., a role-playing organization (hence the Starfleet titles combined with the names to indicate positions in the club).

It was edited by "Admiral" Eric A. Stillwell with the help of his childhood friend, Chief of Communications "Vice Admiral" Tony Wynn (who assumed a Vulcan persona under the name of "T. Wxyn)." When Wynn entered the U.S. Air Force in September 1981, Stillwell assumed all editing and publishing duties.

Issues were offset and ran 12-16 pages.

The early issues used the word "supplemental" in the title of the zine was due to it not having been the official club newsletter at the time, which was entitled Starfleet Communications, and apparently suffered from significant delays.[1]

There are at least seven issues of "Starfleet Supplemental Communiqué" before it replaced "Starfleet Communications" as the organization's newsletter. It was then renamed "Starfleet Communiqué" and became the official newsletter of the club. That zine is still published by the organization.[2]



  1. ^ The entire fan club organization at that time comes across as chaotic in the description on their website The History of STARFLEET The International Star Trek Fan Association, Inc., presumably because it was organized and run mostly by teenagers (accessed 16 Jan 2010)
  2. ^ STARFLEET: The International Star Trek Fan Association (accessed 16 Jan 2010)