Star Trek Fans and the Gulf and Western Stock Proposal

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Fan Campaign
Name: Star Trek Fans and the Gulf and Western Stock Proposal
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In the mid-1980s, there was a plan by some Star Trek fans to encourage other fans to buy enough stock in Gulf and Western (the parent company of Paramount) so that they may have a voice in ownership.

From a fan in spring 1986:

Many of you know that Robin Hood has started a project to encou rage fans to buy voting shares in Gulf & Western (the corporation that owns Paramount). The immediate goal is to get fans together to attend the annual shareholders' meeting in March, 1987, which will be held either in New York or Los Angeles. Robin is the central clearing house for information about how to buy shares, how much they cost, how to get the best deal in brokers' fees, and the location of the annual meeting. A questionnaire that Robin and I put together is enclosed. Please fill it out and return it to Robin if you're interested in the project. Let's buy a piece of STAR TREK and with it, the power to put our views before the folks who control it. [1]

From the Campaign Organizer

Robin Hood was the main organizer. In February 1986, she wrote an open letter.

Well, hello.

First let me introduce myself: I'm a zine editor, (if you don't know what they are, please sase me) Second: And more to the point or problem. I'm a BUSY zine editor. For those of you who don't know me, I produce a Zine called First Time. It is now in its 5th edition in less that 2 years and that takes a lot of time. This intro is just to convince you that if I don't communicate often, or coherently, there is a reason.

On to the information!! Gulf and Western (the parent company of Paramount) voting stock is presently selling for approximately $48.00 a share. Fine, you say. Not cheap, but nothing worth having is. Right? Wrong! The clinker is that you have to pay brokers fees on top of the stock price. If you could buy 100 shares, etc., there would be no problem because the fee is for the paper work and could be divided amongst the shares, thus limiting the costs. Paper work is as involved in one share as 1000, so each separate person who wants to buy, must pay a handling fee BUT there is hope.. I've just found out that Dean Witter charges only a flat 10% fee. We should be able to afford that!

Here's the suggestion. Call a broker in your area. Check out what you can or can't afford and then you can do one of several things. 1. If you can afford it, buy it. 2. If you can't, get several people to split the cost. The stock must be egistered in one name but you will be part owners!! This is called an investment club. There can be any number of partners, each a part owner of the stock!! The object is to get shares, (a lot would be nice but....)

When you get control of a share, either by buying it or by having someone, (a friend, relative etc.,) sign a proxy form over to you so that you can vote the stock, write me, and I'll keep records and keep all of you advised of progress.

Now don't panic. We have time. G & W has its annual stockholder meeting in March. It's too soon for us to even begin to get this off the ground this year, BUT come March 87!! Think of it! Trek 4 is out at Christmas and we storm the Bastille in March! Sigh. Makes you shiver just to think of it!

When we have a sizeable number of shares accounted for, we will begin making plans and details for the meeting itself. And remember this, even 100 people showing up at a meeting that G & W hadn't counted on, could be fun and if nothing else, think of the wonderful Star Trek Tail-Gate Party we could have in the parking lot alone!!! Spock ears, uniforms and Phasers, IDICcon T-shirts!!

This endevor depends on you. Copy this notice!! Talk to your friends. Put ads in the underground papers. Zine people, put ads in U.T., Datazine and NTS. Make personal pleas, add your own words to the cause. Take it to your local ST club, science fiction or anyone who doesn't care for what Paramount is always trying to do to us!! But above all else TALK)!! Discuss it!!! Find out the weak points (there aren't many, believe me, its been discussed about!!) and let me know. Write fan clubs, write everyone BUT Paramount. They are the last to know!

Those of you who know me will understand my short, choppy sentences. Those of you who don't, be benevolent and forgive me. I am pleased with your response and such a response from only one source. I want to thank Helen for the use of the newsletter. Just imagine what we could do if we've gotten this far with only one newsletter.

Now get busy. Get this copied. TALK!! And get back to me!!

LL & P -- Robin Hood

Short-Lived and Not Supported by Fans

This fan campaign was not successful. Shortly after it was launched, a fan said: "I felt badly that Robin got so little response to her idea that she had to put it to rest. It was a great idea, but not, apparently, one whose time has come." [2]

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