Silvermoon Interview with Sache8

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Interviews by Fans
Title: Silvermoon Interview with Sache8
Interviewer: Helen Vader
Interviewee: Sache8
Date(s): early 2000s
Medium: online
Fandom(s): Star Wars, others
External Links: "interview was here". Archived from the original on 2008-02-17.
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Sache8 was interviewed for Silvermoon.

See Silvermoon Interview Series.

Some Excerpts

Why did you choose your pen name?

I've always been a huge fan of Queen Amidala's handmaidens, and when it came time to pick my username, I picked Saché because I thought it sounded the prettiest of the five. Plain Saché was of course already taken, so I added an eight, which is my favorite number.

Would you agree that fanfiction is a genre dominated by women, and if so, why do you think it's so?

When I stop to think about it, I would agree there are more women than men, but I wouldn't say we dominate. As to why this might be, I haven't a clue. But some of the best material I've read out there has been written by men.

This is a site devoted to antagonists. Could you reveal us your favourite Mr. Bad Guy?

Well... I'm mostly a fan of the good guys myself, but... I must say that Grand Admiral Thrawn is the only bad guy I was ever surprised to find myself secretly rooting for. Now, I have it from Helen that this site also somewhat focuses on Tom Riddle, and while I can't say I'm particularly fond of the character's motives... after seeing the film of CoS I wouldn't mind gazing at him all day ;) Finally, I believe Gollum/Sméagol is one of the most brilliantly deep and complex characters ever to grace the pages of literature, and I tip my hat to Peter Jackson for nailing him perfectly in the recent film of the Two Towers.