Silvermoon Interview with Northlight

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Interviews by Fans
Title: Silvermoon Interview with Northlight
Interviewer: Helen Vader
Interviewee: Northlight
Date(s): early 2000s
Medium: online
Fandom(s): various
External Links: "interview was here". Archived from the original on 2008-02-17.
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Northlight was interviewed for Silvermoon.

See Silvermoon Interview Series.

Some Excerpts

When did you start writing fanfiction?

Some time around 1997: X-Men, then Buffy, and then I really went wild with the fics.

Would you agree that fanfiction is a genre dominated by women, and if so, why do you think it's so?

My default assumption is that every fic writer I run across is female (until I learn otherwise). I'm sure that I could provide a stereotyped answer as the why: "women are more interested in relationships and consequences, etc."–but really, I'm not sure.

This is a site devoted to antagonists. Could you reveal us your favourite Mr. Bad Guy?

Oh, tough one. It isn't necessarily villains who get my muse excited as it is ambiguous characters. X-Men's Magneto and Mystique; Farscape's Scorpious; Buffy's Spike before he got all wussy and whiny; Angel's Lindsey and Lilah; Star War's Vader; most of Dark Angel's X5s because they are ambiguous and conflicted; most of Harry Potter's adult characters because I can imagine all sorts of angsty trauma in their pasts...