Pearl/Rose Quartz

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Pairing: Pearl/Rose Quartz
Alternative name(s): Pearlrose, Pearlpink
Gender category: femslash, f/f
Fandom: Steven Universe
Canonical?: canon
Prevalence: popular
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Pearl/Rose is a popular femslash pairing in the Steven Universe fandom between Pearl and Rose Quartz.


In the show, flashbacks reveal Pearl and Rose's history together. Pearl was originally one of Pink Diamond's servants, and their relationship started when Pink Diamond later became Rose Quartz.

Pearl inspired Pink Diamond to visit Earth while Pink shapeshifted as a Quartz soldier. After Pink started the rebellion in her Rose Quartz form, Pearl and Pink entered into a romantic relationship, with the understanding that Pearl wished to live with Rose by her own choice. During the rebellion, Pearl was Rose's second-in-command and confidant. It is explained by Garnet that Pearl was extremely protective of Rose, and was willing to repeatedly risk her own life beyond reason to ensure Rose's safety.

Pink plotted with Pearl to fake her own death so that the rebellion could take control of Earth, while Pink would live as Rose for the rest of her life. She ordered Pearl to keep the plot secret to everybody else. Early on, Pearl displays pride in being trusted with the secrets Rose kept from Garnet and Amethyst, infuriating her when she realizes there was more information that Rose kept hidden even to her.

Pearl and Rose are shown fusing multiple times, forming Rainbow Quartz.


The nature of Pearl and Rose's relationship is often a source of tension within the Steven Universe fandom. Until Season 5 episodes "A Single Pale Rose" and "Now We're Only Falling Apart", fans speculated on Pearl and Rose's history. Some fans believed that their relationship was more platonic or merely one-sided. This is sometimes in tandem with theories as to who Pearl 'belonged' to on Homeworld, as those predicted that Rose Quartz once 'owned' Pearl and thus a romantic relationship between the two would be inappropriate, or merely infatuation on Pearl's part for someone who gave her freedom. Others argue that this is just an effort to downplay a queer relationship.

Popular Fanon and Tropes

  • Rose and Pearl's first meeting, often portrayed on Homeworld.
  • How the two form the rebellion and their time spent on Earth afterwards is popular in fanworks.
  • Angst is fairly common in regards to Rose' passing.




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