Rikkai Exchange

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Gift Exchange
Name: Rikkai Exchange, rikkai_exchange
Date(s): various
Runs: defunct
Moderator(s): anjenue, giving_ground
Founder: giving_ground
Type: Fanfiction/Fanart
Scope: Rikkai
Fandom: Prince of Tennis
URL: https://rikkai-exchange.livejournal.com/
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Rikkai Exchange was an exchange centered around Rikkai from Prince of Tennis. There were two rounds, in late 2007 and early 2008. The first round was fanfiction-only, and fanart was added as a category in the second. There were 78 entries and 1,152 comments posted to the LiveJournal community over the course of the two rounds.

Anjenue, who joined as a co-mod in the second round, passed away in late March of 2008, a month and a half after signups. reddwarfer pitched in to help the remaining moderator with the rest of the exchange.


All work produced must:

-- Be at least 1500 words long as a bare minimum in the case of fic (There is no upper limit), or be finished to a good standard in the case of art.

-- Be rikkai-centric. This especially applies to central pairings. For the purposes of this exchange, inter-school pairings are not acceptable - Sanada/Yukimura is an acceptable pairing, but Sanada/Atobe is not, because only Sanada is from Rikkai. Similarly, Marui/Kirihara would be acceptable but Marui/Jirou would not be. Having characters from other schools present as side-characters is fine, but we really want the focus to be on Rikkai themselves here. (As an extra note, because this came up as a query last round, threesomes made up entirely of characters from Rikkai are allowed too!)

-- Be checked thoroughly for spelling, punctuation and grammar if it's fic, and preferably checked thoroughly by a beta whether it's fic or art.

-- Be entirely your own work. Co-authored stories or art worked on by more than one person are not acceptable, regardless of whether your co-author is a part of the exchange or not.

-- Be a new, complete story or picture, not a previously existing piece or part of an ongoing series.

-- Comply with the request you were given. If the person you are writing for requested a specific pairing and did not want to see porn, write/draw that pairing without porn. Submissions which do not match the requests they are fulfilling will be sent back.
