Reader's Note

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Synonyms: podficcer's note, freetalk
See also: author's note, header
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A reader's note or podficcer's note is an optional part of the header information for a podfic that may appear in a text post describing the podfic or be spoken aloud within the recording itself. The term has been in use since at least 2008.[1]

Reader's notes are different from author's notes; the reader may also quote the author's note if the original fic has one, but reader's notes contain additional information not provided by the fic writer and are often (but not always) about some aspect of the recording itself.

A related term that overlaps in meaning is freetalk. In the context of podfic, freetalk is usually an unscripted audio recording in which the podficcer talks about the process of making the podfic, often inserted at the end of the podfic file or sometimes provided as a separate file. The term has been used by podficcers since at least 2011, when lunchee commented:

I'm trying a new thing now, called "freetalk". In japanese drama cds, freetalk is the last track on the disc, where the voice actors talk a bit about their experiences (unedited!!) on the project. This is probably my vanity talking, but I quite like the idea of stamping my own thoughts on a particular podfic. And well, since it's the very last bit of the mp3, people will probably skip it? Anyway, it's fun, why not, I'll chuck it in there.[2]


  1. ^ For an example, see this post in amplificathon by luzula: "The Inner Dark", by Altariel, Archived version, 26 April 2008. (Accessed 2 June 2019)
  2. ^ {podfic} dear kunsel - read by lunchee (lunchee), Archived version, 21 April 2011. (Accessed 2 June 2019)