Rocket's Blast Comicollector

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Title: Rocket's Blast Comicollector
Editor(s): G.B. Love (1964–1974), James Van Hise (1974–1982; 2002–2003)
Date(s): April 1964-1982, 2002-03
Medium: print
Fandom: comics
Language: English
External Links: see more at Wikipedia
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Rocket's Blast Comicollector is a zine with a focus on comic book collecting.

In 1964, "The Comicollector" and "The Rocket's Blast" merged to form "Rocket's Blast Comicollector."

a 1978 flyer printed in Naked Times #1, a Kirk/Spock zine edited by Della Van Hise


Before The Buyer's Guide (now known as Comic Buyer's Guide), there was the RBCC. The Rocket's Blast Comicollector (aka RC-CC) was the largest and most influential adzine, and frequently the only avenue for fans to buy and sell comic books and fanzines during the 60's. But it was produced in a slap-dash fashion, All-typography RBCC 50 cover by John Fantucchio complete with typos, crossed-out misspellings, upside down ad reproductions and generally poor production values. I don't wish to denigrate Editor/Publisher G.B. Love's early efforts as he was a truly amazing individual, practically jump-starting 60's fandom by producing the RBCC on time, every month, despite being afflicted with severe cerebral palsy. Love could not use his hands and typed whole issues with a pencil eraser to hit the keys! [1]

Issue 118

Rocket's Blast Comicollector 118

Reactions and Reviews: Issue 118

RBCC #118 is a special Star Trek issue. For those unfamiliar with RBCC, this is a high-quality, offset magazine produced about every 6 weeks, featuring a wide variety of well-done articles, art, general information, and some ads.

This particular issue has a front cover with a drawing of the Enterprise from the THOLIAN WEB episode. Inside cover is an "inside joke" for comics collectors which is really funny. 4 pages right off discuss Nimoy and Shatner, and have an excellent drawing of Spock, along with further ST photos of high reproductive quality. An index of the first season ST programs is included, and then a tremendous comparison of THE CAGE and THE MENAGERIE is covered, with numerous photos, followed by yet another article, this one on WHERE NO MAN HAS GONE BEFORE. A 10 page general ST article follows, then "An Evening with Gene Roddenberry." This is an absolute must issue. Write S.F.C.A... Coral Gables, Florida.... [2]
