Mozart! Das Musical

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Name: Mozart! das Musical
Abbreviation(s): Mozart! , MdM
Creator: Szylveszter Levay and Michael Kunze
Date(s): October 2, 1999 (first production)
Medium: musical
Country of Origin: Austria, Germany, Hungary
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Mozart! or Mozart! das Musical is a European musical by relatively well-known Hungarian/Yugoslavian and Austrian composers Levay and Kunze, and performed at first primarily in German, Dutch, and Hungarian (though there may be other later performances). It had and has a small to medium size but interested fandom that often overlaps with other musical fandoms and especially the Hungarian musical fandoms (Like Romeo es Julia etc.). It is based off of the life of the famous historical composer Mozart and follows the life of the composer as he deals with being interacted with as a prodigy, showbusiness, crushes, and his relationship with the (similar to the conflict in the movie Amadeus) both supportive and jealous cleric and mentor, Colloredo. Who strongly envies the young Mozart's fame and musical skills, and serves as a perhaps not fully villainous, but dark and antagonistic character in the story.

The musical has a fanbase in the original languages, but also, along with other international musicals, a small fanbase in english and other foreign languages.

It is certainly not all of fan content, but a fair amount revolves around the relationship between Mozart and Colloredo. Which is helped along by the fact that Colloredo is sometimes played by Szilveszter Szabo, a fan favorite singer, and known for his work when being cast in villainous roles.