Merlin/Arthur Hug Meme

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Name: Merlin/Arthur Hug Meme
Date(s): 14 October 2009
Founder: derryere
Type: Merlin/Arthur challenge
Fandom: Merlin
URL: Merlin/Arthur Hug Meme (LiveJournal)

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Merlin/Arthur Hug Meme is what the name says, a meme with the goal to make Merlin and Arthur hug. Or as derryere said: "I NEED A HUG. Merlin needs a hug. Arthur needs a hug more than anyone. And I have a feeling that you, friend, won't say no to a hug as well at the moment. Totally and completely ganked from ras_elased, who hosted the jshgd brilliant kissing meme a while ago :D"[1]


From the hug meme post:

"Hug meme! Make A and M hug. Is it a spell? Before a battle? A cuddle? The accidental expressing of emotions on escaping death? PUSHED TOGETHER BY MEDDLING KNIGHTS? Stuck in a hole in the ground? Everything works! As long as there are arms and limbs and the crushing of ribs, you're good
The rules:
1. Porn = allowed (WHAT WHAT), as long as it's still about the huggin' :)
2. Post your Merlin/Arthur hugs in the comments below.
3. No wank. Only love.


thisissirius compiled a masterlist.[2] The number of comments is an indicator of story length.

untitled (egotists) [1 comment] It's months that feel like years, time going so slowly it's like breathing in a broken rhythm

art (zephre) [1 comment] sketched

art (searains) [1 comment] sketched

magical merlz and the case of the leorsagrif curse (ego_chan) [2 comments] you wouldn't believe it, but gaius actually has friends uther didn't burn at the stake twenty years ago

morning people (miakun) [1 comment] merlin is still in the haze that only can be achieved early in the morning and mostly focused on not burning his eggs, so the last thing he expects is strong arms to wrap around his chest and arthur to burrow into his neck.

you will not rise above (mithrel) [1 comment] arthur had been acting out of sorts lately

an emo band (la_dissonance) [2 comments] arthur had never anticipated just how snuggly they'd all be

untitled (crazyboutremmy) [1 comment] "i hate you," seethes arthur into merlin's neckerchief.

all right (gold_macaw) [1 comment] arthur kept glancing at the door

idiot (bentley) [2 comments] no matter how many times people say it, merlin is not wholly an idiot. [spoilers for 2x04]

untitled (anon) [1 comment] well. this was certainly awkward.

the way of the warrior (stealingpennies) [1 comment] "i could kiss it better for you," offered merlin.

untitled (et_cetera55) [1 comment] once the last knight had filed past him out of the training area arthur leant his head back against the wooden borads.

art (niekiej) [1 comment] sketch

art (thereshedances) [1 comment] computer!sketch

art (ptelefolone) [1 comment] TACKLE!HUGS.

just one of those things (srin) [1 comment] whenever they sleep beside each other, merlin inevitably wakes up with arthur draped all over him.

untitled (itachitachi) [2 comments] arthur makes it to the top of the castle walls ages before merlin. [spoilers for 2x04]

standing on the edge of the earth (thisissirius) [3 comments] "MERLIN!" [spoilers for 2x04]

asylum (igwimmy) [2 comments] merlin has to stop, just put everything on ice for a minute and take control of his own breath, his own heartbeat.

bath!hug (derryere) [3 comments] it's been a long day.

untitled (summersiren) [1 comment] the dark clouds covered up the bright sky swiftly as merlin dashed away from camelot's stone walls towards the forest to find arthur.

defense is paper thin, just one touch (the_wrong_sort) [1 comment] it felt so wrong it felt so right

art [shirt!kiss!sniffing!hug thing (nachte) [1 comment] ink


  1. ^ derryere. Merlin/Arthur Hug Meme ♥!, 14 October 2009. (Accessed 27 January 2011)
  2. ^ thisissirius. [ficfest] masterlist; HUGGING MEME, Archived version, 14 October 2009. (Accessed 27 January 2011)