MCU Wintershock Author Spotlight on Pollydoodles

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Interviews by Fans
Title: MCU Wintershock Author Spotlight on Pollydoodles
Interviewer: MCU Wintershock
Interviewee: Pollydoodles
Date(s): February 27, 2017
Medium: online
Fandom(s): Marvel Cinematic Universe
External Links: MCU Wintershock Author Spotlight on Pollydoodles, Archived version
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Part of a Series

See MCU Wintershock Spotlights.


What about Wintershock as a pairing appeals to you?

For me, it’s the possibilities that come with it - there’s so much about both characters that is open. Darcy as an MCU-only character, and not a hugely explored one is a blank slate for authors to play with. She has enough backstory to start off, and from there it’s a wide open playground to take your twists and turns around. There’s a reason that films in particular have a ‘relatable’ character through which their audience is then introduced, and Darcy very much fulfills that role. Bucky is wide open as well, in a different way - he almost has so much backstory there, and yet it’s also very open to interpretation. We know the things he’s done, and been subject to; so how should he deal with that? Be monosyllabic? Would he thrust himself into modern life in an attempt to reclaim himself? He’s often a counterpoint to Steve as well, with some shared life experience so again - it’s a writer’s dream as there are so many potential - and fitting - possibilities to explore.

What Wintershock fic by someone else would you recommend to others to read? What about this fic appeals to you?

I love If You Were My Love by Latessitrice. It has great characterisation, and each chapter just pulls you further and further into what feels like a completely doomed situation. Particularly with Bucky I remember just reading along thinking oh god, just go with it, it’ll be okay somehow, it’s fine - even though it clearly wouldn’t be - because the emotions are so well put across you’re almost living it with the characters.

What kind of Wintershock story would you love to read that hasn’t been written yet by you or others?

Wow, that’s tough. You know, I think I’d like to see something based around Yes, Man (not the film, yikes) but the original book. In which the guy was sucked into just a terrible routine of being negative and staying in and being a little down ultimately, because his relationship ended. And he decides - after a random conversation with a stranger on the bus - to just start saying yes. It takes him to some odd but ultimately fantastic experiences - as well as some funny ones. I like the idea of Bucky deciding that, as he’s had no chance to choose for himself before, he’s going to take the opportunity to say YES to (more or less) everything. Steve being a little reluctant about it all, and Bucky winding up meeting Darcy who’s charmed by his can-do attitude.