MCU Wintershock Author Spotlight on GingerLocks

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Interviews by Fans
Title: MCU Wintershock Author Spotlight on GingerLocks
Interviewer: MCU Wintershock
Interviewee: GingerLocks (foreverdrunkatheart)
Date(s): January 23, 2017
Medium: online
Fandom(s): Marvel Cinematic Universe
External Links: MCU Wintershock Author Spotlight on GingerLocks, Archived version
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Part of a Series

See MCU Wintershock Spotlights.


What about Wintershock as a pairing appeals to you?

I don’t know how it started. I think I fell in love with Darcy as a character, the way she was portrayed as the comic relief, BUT in a caring AND a nonsexual way. We’ve all seen the post abt how she’s one of the few sidekick characters to be portrayed with the respect that male sidekicks get and how awesome it was to see it in a female. Well that and my huge crush on Kat Dennings made me fall for this funny but loving and protective character. Then there was Bucky… Bucky, Bucky, Bucky. Where to start? I love him, from his ladies man younger years, to the amazing “till the end of the line” BFF and soldier, to the “broken-minded” assassin. I love him, I want to cuddle him up in blankets and give him chocolates and let him watch disney films, bc he deserves that! And I think Darcy will be the type of person to give it to him. She is also so incredibly ordinary compared to the superhumans and emotionally screwed heroes and I think they contrast nice (bubbly/silent and Loud/grumpy are my tropes!) and I think he will really give his whole self to his love and be completely “till the end of the line” with them, and I think they would both build each other up and accept each other as they are! <3

How did you first encounter the pairing?

Darcy and Bucky love seperately, then I fell for Shieldshock and Darcylanders were so open and inviting and I had just been in a really small and often attacked fandom and it was really toxic there so I jumped ship into your open arms! And then Shieldshock became Wintershieldshock and I was like “hang on, I really love the Darcy/Bucky thing going on, it’s more intense and kinda more varied? I guess. I think the Ot3 fics really made me think of the juxtapositions of the pairings and I fell hard and fast for both.

What kind of Wintershock story would you love to read that hasn’t been written yet by you or others?

I have one… NAY 2, stories that are burning a hole in my mind. I have the main ideas written on a post it and hidden in a notebook, bc I am really torn, like on one hand, I want to write it myself… and on the other hand I wanna read it without writing the 20-50k needed to make it work and do it properly… Idk, I am still sitting on them, I don’t wanna let go just yet, but at the same time I am writing my bachelor this spring and I have 20-50k other things I have to do. Deadlines and projects riding my ass… Then again, apart from those two ideas (that may or may not be leaked in the future) I think the fandom is vastly creative and really cashes in on the crackship factor and all the possibilities that entails, giving us a wide variety of fics that covers most of the tropes I can dream of! Great on you!!