MCU Wintershock Author Spotlight on Becisvolatile

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Interviews by Fans
Title: MCU Wintershock Author Spotlight on Becisvolatile
Interviewer: MCU Wintershock
Interviewee: becisvolatile
Date(s): February 6, 2015
Medium: online
Fandom(s): Marvel Cinematic Universe
External Links: MCU Wintershock Author Spotlight on Becisvolatile, Archived version
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Part of a Series

See MCU Wintershock Spotlights.


"What about Wintershock as a pairing appeals to you?

Superficially? Two bangin’ hot characters…er, banging. Also the fact that this relationship has ‘Hell in a hand basket’ written all over it. I like the complication and angst that comes with a guy like Bucky, I like having Darcy - who is so frequently relegated to comic relief - being the one to step up to the plate and try to help him. Pre-deployment Bucky and Darcy seem to me like the sort of kids who would have gotten on well and I enjoy seeing glimpses of who Bucky was, might still be, getting drawn out by her. In a similar way I think the danger and emotional shitstorm surrounding a guy like Bucky draws some great qualities out of Darcy too - I just think they work well.

I’m quite partial to the odd spot of Steve/Darcy/Bucky, but I think that each pair in that trio (Steve/Bucky, Darcy/Steve, Darcy/Bucky) needs to be solid before they can really kick goals as a threesome.

But mostly I’m about the hot people doing the sex."

"Do you have any specific Wintershock headcanons that you’ve written into your fics or seen on Tumblr/in someone else’s fic? That’s a tough one and I wouldn’t say that they are Wintershock headcanons, more just character head canons. Like I feel Bucky digs gals with old-school silhouettes, that he’s sensitive about Darcy/people touching his arm. Specifically? I think his prosthetic arm responds differently to Darcy than to other people. I think Darcy is a little afraid of him, but it’s in her nature to be kind so she pushes that down until the time comes when she realises that he isn’t a threat to her."

"Of the stories that you’ve written concerning them, which one is your favorite and why? We’ll Never Get Started, which is technically OT3 but I feel like the Darcy/Bucky element is much stronger in that story. It was one of those stories that kind of wrote itself, it just started out as a cracky idea to fill a prompt (Stripper!Darcy) but as I wrote it played out naturally and I was really happy with it."

"What Wintershock fic by someone else would you recommend to others to read? What about this fic appeals to you?That Which You Seek’ by Wynn and all the parts that follow. It is perfect. One of those fics where I had to put my laptop aside mid-story and go make myself a restorative cup of tea because I needed to regroup. It is just so on the money, it’s intense and horrifying (in terms of depicting the damage those lost years had caused Bucky), it was sensitive and well paced regarding the romantic aspects of their relationship (and that slow build up just made it so much hotter). Also ‘and I wonder (if everything could ever feel this real forever)’ by sarcastic_fina is just boss."