Lois & Clark Nfic Archive Interview with Annette Ciotola

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Interviews by Fans
Title: Lois & Clark Nfic Archive Interview with Annette Ciotola
Interviewee: Annette Ciotola
Date(s): early 2000s
Medium: online
Fandom(s): Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman
External Links: Lois & Clark, Archived version
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Annette Ciotola was interviewed for the Lois & Clark Nfic Archive.

For others in this interview series, see Category: Lois and Clark Fan Interviews.

The introduction:

This week it's The Readers' Choice team's turn to showcase one of our very favourite readers. This person has been a fanfic lover ever since she discovered Camping With Clark, and she's best known for being a "Beta-Reader With The Emphasis on READER" [tm] for many of her favourite authors. She's also been a wonderful friend to fanfic and nfic: she established what was then the only website, other than personal sites, where nfic writers could have their stories uploaded, and she later expanded Annesplace to take in PGfic, as well as music videos, Tank Endings, sillyfic of various types, the Writers' Showcase and a number of other features which couldn't find a home elsewhere. She is the much-loved, WONDERFUL <g>

Some Excerpts

How long have you been a FoLC? Although I've been a fan of the show since the pilot, I've only been online since the middle of Season 4 (1997). That's when I discovered what AOL had been hosting at the time. I'd read the viewer reviews and the top ten lists from the AOL chat rooms, though I was never in those chats at the time. Towards the end of the show, AOL had this contest, sort of like a scavenger hunt online, in which I had given a try. I ended up one of the top winners and it's where I received my first L&C poster. "Have you been to Metropolis lately?" autographed by both Dean and Teri.

When did you first discover fanfic? I remember this little fic called Camping with Clark. I had actually come across it, not on the archive, but this other site (name escapes me) that used to send fanfic out in volumes. You would get so many fics posted each week. I love it and wanted more, so then I hit the search engines and found the Archive! Now, I didn't discover Nfic until much later. The first Nfic I read was Winners and that was on a recommendation (which I am very grateful for.) Let's just say it went from there and the rest is history. <g>

Can you choose one, possibly two, stories you'd consider personal favourites, and tell us what you like about them? *glares* Are you kidding?? Meet Me in Kansas City, I think this appeals to me because this *is* love at first sight and just so good! This is one I've read about 1000 times and I enjoy it more and more each time! And I have to say The One that Got Away, I love just about any fic that can draw me in so I can feel the same emotions Lois & Clark are experiencing. In this, you can actually feel Lois' heartache when she honestly thinks she's *not* the one. Silly girl!