Kitty Pryde/Rachel Summers

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Alternative name(s): Greypryde
Gender category: f/f
Fandom: X-Men
Canonical?: no
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Kitty Pride and Rachel Summers by foxchainship (2023)

Kitty Pryde/Rachel Summers is the fannish femslash pairing of X-Men characters Kitty Pryde and Rachel Summers.

In a 2016 interview Chris Claremont, who created the characters, said that 'if he’d had his druthers, Kitty Pryde and Rachel Summers would have been partners in canon, and not just subtext.' [1]

Fannish Quotations

It's driving me up a wall that Rachel Summers and Kitty Pryde both are confirmed sapphic, and yet there has been no comic even gesturing at their shared history.

I want a story of Kitty trying to get together with Rachel, finally ready to act on feelings she'd fought for years. I want Rachel tenderly touching kitty's cheek, before tearfully telling her that it's too late.

I want longing, damn it!

abhorrentabby on tumblr, July 19, 2023, Archived version


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