Kiaronna: The Fandom’s Darling

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Interviews by Fans
Title: Kiaronna: The Fandom’s Darling
Interviewer: Sarabel
Interviewee: Kiaronna
Date(s): June 2017
Medium: online
Fandom(s): Yuri!!! on Ice
External Links: "Kiaronna: The Fandom's Darling". Archived from the original on 2017-10-18.
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Kiaronna: The Fandom’s Darling is a 2017 interview with Kiaronna, a Yuri!!! on Ice fanfic writer.

She was interviewed by Sarabel from the Yuuri/Victor fanfic blog, viktuurificwriters.


If I were to name one writer who can take my emotions extremely high or extremely low, I would name kiaronna. Her ideas for stories may not be that intricate, but the way she writes them out effectively evokes emotions in readers.

Kiaronna (@kiaronna) has written ten works for the Yuri on Ice fandom. The most popular one, Just Hold On (We’re Going Home), has garnered over 2,500 kudos as of date. It’s an AU where Yuuri is the one who remembers what happened in the banquet in Sochi while Viktor forgets about it. It’s a simple switch on who remembers and who forgets, but the way kiaronna executes the story–showing the things that happened because of the banquet and how it affected the characters’ mindset and emotions–was all flawlessly done.


Kiaronna is absolutely a sweetheart. Even though she’s a writer herself, she takes the time to check out other writers and supports them.

“I think a lot of aspiring writers get trapped by a lack of feedback, initially,” said kiaronna. “I think it takes either the hand of fate or a LOT of writing, along with talent, to start getting a lot of reader response. So many fics I love don’t have a ton of attention, but that doesn’t mean they’re not high quality!”

Kiaronna’s advises writers to just keep writing, to never be afraid to advertise for their selves, and to write the way that they want. She wants writers to keep writing even when they feel that their work isn’t perfect yet.

“Also, as a piece of more specific advice from me: Don’t be afraid to write ‘strange’ or unconventional things,” said kiaronna. “I’ve done a lot of things I thought might not be well-received, or things that could be considered as different or weird. I’ve done petfic, pet… ghostfic, body swaps into Yakov, random AUs, broken the fourth wall in a serious fic, and others. But the YOI fandom has been accepting of this kind of thing, and actually pretty supportive. It’s also great to get diversity in content in the YOI fandom. So yeah! Keep writing! Get weird! Get proud! I believe in you!”

Other Interviews in the Series