Jyushimatsu Matsuno

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Name: Jyushimatsu Matsuno
松野 十四松 (Matsuno Jūshimatsu)
Occupation: NEET
Relationships: Osomatsu Matsuno (older brother)
Karamatsu Matsuno (older brother)
Choromatsu Matsuno (younger brother)
Ichimatsu Matsuno (younger brother)
Todomatsu Matsuno (younger brother)
Matsuyo (mother)
Matsuzo (father)
Chibita (childhood rival, friend)
Totoko Yowai (childhood friend, love interest), Girlfriend (rescuer, love interest)
Fandom: Osomatsu-kun, Osomatsu-san
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Jyushimatsu Matsuno is the fifth-born Matsuno sextuplet. In Osomatsu-san, he is color-coded in yellow.

In Osomatsu-kun

Jyushimatsu and his brothers are all identical, which is a common gag in both the manga and the anime.

In Osomatsu-san

He is color-coded in yellow. He has a hyperactive personality, and is hard to follow sometimes.


Common Headcanons

  • His hyperactive personality is a cover for his hidden darkness or unresolved issues/trauma.
  • He may have autism or ADHD, due to his behavior that can be interpreted as such.


In BLMatsu, he is frequently shipped with Ichimatsu. Jyushimatsu is also shipped with Girlfriend-chan (Osomatsu-san).
