Jaune Arc

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Name: Jaune Arc
Occupation: Hunter
Fandom: RWBY
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Jaune Arc is a character of the RWBY series.


Jaune is the leader of Team JNPR, with Nora Valkyrie, Lie Ren, and Pyrrha Nikos. Pyrrha is his partner.


Jaune Arc is a much loved and hated character in RWBY fandom, depending on the fan. Some believe he is overly involved in the plot and takes agency away from the lead characters, most notably Ruby and Pyrrha, as well as believing him to be a self insert as he is voiced by series writer Miles Luna. Focus on Jaune, which is more than more other non-main protagonist character, and sometimes more than the protagonists, has been called manpain. Others enjoy his character and see his involvement in the plot as a non issues given that he and his team are important secondary characters.

Those unhappy with Pyrrha's death often create AU fanworks that have Pyrrha live in exchange for Jaune dying in her place.

Tropes & Fanon

  • Badass Jaune: Jaune is a popular subject of Adaptational Badass fics, in which he is either powerful from the start or becomes powerful.
  • Harem: There are many harem fics about Jaune – fics that focus on him getting the romantic attention of multiple female characters.
  • Hair: Upon the release of the new character designs and outfits for Volume 7, there was a largely negative and mocking reaction to Jaune's new short hair. The reveal image was widely memed, with many saying the hair looked like bananas or that Jaune was a "Chad" now. Opinion shifted somewhat when there was more footage showing the hair from different angles, or viewers simply got used to the new look.


Example Fanworks





  • The Best Defense is a GOOD DEFENSE. Shocking, I know. by anthurak (Feb 2020): "Something I feel is a really nice, subtle touch that also doesn’t seem to have been talked about in Volume 7 is how much Jaune has transitioned away from being an offensive fighter and has taken up much more of a defensive and supportive role in combat."

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