It's High Noon

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Title: It's High Noon - Overwatch Animation
Creator: Pegbarians
Date: 11/11/2016
Length: 1:36
Audio: Cowboy in the desert, Volatile Reaction
Fandom: Overwatch

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It's High Noon is an Overwatch Vid by Pegbarians, parodying character Jesse McCree's ultimate 'deadeye'. It received attention on youtube, gathering around three million views as of August 2017.[1]


The animation was very extremely popular within the fandom. It also spurred a meme in the comments section; many viewers would write 'It's high noon' in an overly verbose way. This was likely a reaction of the 'Me, An Intellectual' meme.


From Alexander the Great:

It's the time when the sun is highest in the sky marking the middle of the day and it's also the perfect time for cowboys to fight due to the sun not being in either combatants eyes

From Jerome irrgang:

Under the current sircumstances the time we are opperating in is elevated 12 o'clock

From Daniel Eaton:

It is the time for day in which our solar system's star, more commonly known and referred to as the sun, is directly above our current position on earth. This time is represented on a digital clock as 12:00 pm and is verbally described as being twelve o' clock.
