Iron Man: Armored Adventures

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Name: Iron Man: Armored Adventures
Abbreviation(s): IMAA
Creator: Stan Lee and Larry Lieber (originally);
Stéphane Juffé and Philippe Guyenne (directors)
Date(s): April 24, 2009 – July 25, 2012
Medium: 3D CGI cartoon
Country of Origin: France & United States
External Links:
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Iron Man: Armored Adventures is an animated TV series based off the Iron Man comics.


It tells the story of Tony Stark and his friends (James "Rhodey" Rhodes and Pepper Potts) as teenagers not as adults and Tony has a notably better relationship with his father Howard Stark than he has in other canons.

See Earth-904913 for universe details.


The fandom is more active on FanFiction.Net than on AO3, with the hinted canon romance for the Pepper Potts/Tony Stark forming one of the most popular pairings. There is also interest in the slash pairing of Gene Kahn (the young Mandarin)/Tony Stark. The short-lived canon romance with Whitney Stane (aka Madame Masque) is largely ignored in fandom spaces. Although Steve Rogers is only shown once in the series, still frozen in ice, but recovered by S.H.I.E.L.D. and no details hint whether he is around yet are ever given, Steve Rogers/Tony Stark is a moderately popular pairing. Minor and rare pairings include Clint Barton/Natasha Romanov, Gene Kahn/Pepper Potts and Arthur Parks/Tony Stark.

The fandom is very small and in 2012 and 2013 was eligible for yuletide.

Notable Fanworks


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