Inside the Head of FlyBigD

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Interviews by Fans
Title: Inside the Head of FlyBigD
Interviewer: Amy Murphy
Interviewee: FlyBigD
Date(s): March 2002
Medium: online
Fandom(s): Xena: Warrior Princess
External Links: full interview is here, Archived version
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Inside the Head of FlyBigD is a 2002 Xena: Warrior Princess fan interview at Whoosh!.


For others in this series, see Whoosh! Interview Series.

Some Excerpts

The show has been a personal inspiration for two reasons. First, it was daring, different, d*mn good, and the creative personnel weren't afraid to make you think. Second, it revolved around in what my opinion is a true friendship and not a mutual acquaintance based on convenience, which is often confused for the real thing.

I'm missing [the show] already, but as it comes to an end, I know its passing is only temporal, because I will never lose the happiness and joy it gave me.

...the show revolved around a friendship. A true friendship. A love. Now, if that love manifests itself into a subtext scenario for some people, more power to them, but I don't think the subtext element really enhances the strength of the bond between the characters.