I Walk the Line

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You may be looking for the penguins vid Walk the Line.

Title: I Walk the Line
Date: 2005
Format: avi, wmb
Length: 18.5mb, 16.5mb.
Music: "I Walk the Line" by Live
Fandom: The Professionals
Footage: original source material
*Download links
*Vidder's YouTube Page

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I Walk the Line is a Professionals vid by Lithium Doll.

Vidder's Note: "This was originally made for Mitchy, but as she had to nurse me through abject paranoia just to get the vid uploaded at all, I figure she deserves another ship vid. A better ship vid. That ship vid. Oh, like you've never been possessed by Pirates of the Caribbean.

Not very many effects in this, I was more playing with the excercise of completely decontextualising clips and re-cutting them into something else. The beginning would be the obvious example of that, although I didn't manage to make it quite as different to what happened as I wanted. The less obvious one, I hope, is later in the vid and was tweaked to cut a character out of the scene entirely. Horizontal flip, how do I love thee, let me count the ways..."

Reactions and Reviews

I know purists have an attack over this song (LD uses the Live version, rather than the original by Johnny Cash). But I really think it works here. Most especially as LD has a field day with the percussion. She sets up a wonderful broody mood that erupts as the song reaches its climax and we see the lengths to which Bodie is willing to go to keep Ray safe. [1]



  1. ^ from Ancasta's Corner, 2007