The I Know You Verse

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Title: I Know You
Author(s): slaymesoftly
Date(s): 2005 - 2013
Length: 282,621
Genre: AU
Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
External Links: Ao3

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The I Know You verse is a fanfiction series written by slaymesoftly. It is a series of five stories; Prologue to Life/I Know You, I Know You II, Knowing and Watching, Pop Goes the Weasel and Meanwhile, Back at the Hellmouth.

Many stories from this series have won awards, including Spark and Burn Awards.

Challenge Origins

The first fic in this series Prologue to Life/I Know You was originally written in response to a challenge from Always_jbj at the The Bloodshedverse.

Post Chosen, a very miserable and grief-stricken slayer is aching for the vampire she realised too late that she loved. Willow (without Buffy's knowledge) casts a spell which is meant to take away some of the pain, to take her back to how she was before she realised her love for Spike... Unfortunately (or fortunately depending on how you look at things) as always with Willow's spells, something goes astray. Buffy finds herself in the alley behind the Bronze inside her 16 year old body, with ALL her memories intact, and facing a certain clapping blonde vampire. Must haves: 1. Spuffy, of course! 2. Bite-y.

Challenge #40 at the Bloodshedverse [1]

Prologue to life/I know you won the Reader's Choice Best Challenge Response Award in Round 1 of the Spark and Burn Awards. It was also runner-up for the Best Challenge Response Award.


Begins just after Chosen, then goes to an AU season two where the Spike that comes to Sunnydale meets a Slayer he isn't ready for. But she is ready for him...

An on-going series, most of which takes place in an new dimension to which season II Buffy and Spike were sent (separately, and at different times) when "our" Buffy and Spike replaced them in their home dimension. There are three separate dimensions, but "our" Dawn is able to travel between them, so there is some infrequent contact eventually. The new dimension is a very different place from the world of Sunnydale, Chosen, etc. and that Buffy and Spike make their way in it as best they can.

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