Help talk:Categorising Guidelines

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I updated the Images and Files section since some of the instructions (I wrote in 2011!) didn't mesh with actual practice. I don't know if editors or gardeners or the committee ever formalized rules for categorizing files beyond what's here.--aethel (talk) 17:08, 12 April 2019 (UTC)

Sorting Subcategories

Is there any documentation on how to/when to sort subcategories? I like having the flexibility to group similar subcategories together with asterisks, etc., when there are a lot of subcategories, but the sorting options should probably be explained somewhere. (My assumption is when there are a lot of fandom subcategories under an activity category, we let the fandom subcategories sort alphabetically by default and group the relatively few activity subcategories first under an asterisk so we can see them more easily.) I think early in the wiki's history we may have overused asterisks and made subcategory sorting more difficult for ourselves than necessary.--aethel (talk) 14:43, 15 August 2021 (UTC)

category order

I'm not sure where/whether it was written down, but when date categories were introduced, I recall we decided that they would go last/farthest right. So the preferred order of categories on a fanwork page would go something like type - fandom - date. Has this been documented somewhere or a different rule decided on?--aethel (talk) 16:43, 21 December 2023 (UTC)