Hatstand Express Interview with Lainie Stone

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Interviews by Fans
Title: Hatstand Interview with Lainie Stone
Interviewee: Lainie Stone
Date(s): 1989
Fandom(s): The Professionals
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Lainie Stone was interviewed in The Hatstand Express #20 in 1989.

For others in this series, see Hatstand Interview Series.

Some Excerpts

What was the first B/D story you read? "Consequences" and I hated it. Still do. I just didn't think it worked, and I didn't think the characters were true. I think all the sequels go to prove that.

Do you see the "/" relationship in the shows themselves? Or is it only hinted at? Or is B/D simply wishful thinking, an alternate universe? This, in some circles, is the landmine question. Honestly, no I don't see that relationship in the show. Not at all. And I'm afraid I feel B/D is wishful thinking on the readers' and writers' part. I haven't the faintest idea why.

What was the first B/D story you wrote? "Rules of the Game." I wrote the middle. I still quite like it as a first try.

Why do you write? Because it's miserable not to write.

How much research do you do for stories? That depends entirely on the story. "Secret Service" had masses of research (and I still made some glaring errors). The bedroom ones had none at all. It depends. Historicals sort of lend themselves to research though.

This fandom began with "/" stories and eventually "straight" stories were written, a backward progression compared to that In other fandoms. Do you ever have an urge to write a purely straight story? Have you ever done a straight story? I started out with straight stories. Back in the far beyond there were several straight stories written, but we were told quite firmly to write slash or don't bother so, like all good hacks, we shrugged and wrote for the audience. It's actually come full circle.

Do you often have a conscious message or theme you want to communicate in a story? Hmmm, maybe in that love doesn't conquer all, but it does make things a little better. Or that rarely are villains evil :, p. their own minds. That kind of thing.

What gave you the idea of "Heat"? Depression. I was blue and just put it down.

Where did the inspiration for "Brass in Pocket" come from? [K B] had this vision of Doyle in a gold silk caftan. The title is a Pretenders song, by the way.

What gave you the idea for "Aurelian"? Was it one of the first elf stories? Honestly, I don't remember. It was one of the easiest ones to write, though. It was one of the earliest but not the first. Actually, though, I don't think it's much like the other elf stories at all.

Is writing, today, easier than when you first began? Writing is never easy. Nor is it fun. It is necessary and miserable, and I can't imagine never doing it.

Of the stories you have written, which is your favorite? I don't know that I have a real favorite. There are some I prefer because I think they're better stories than others, better crafted for some reason or another. Some of my stories I think are awful such as "Days of Future", the one people call the Hot Hatstand".

Of the stories you have read, which is your favorite?

"Of Tethered Goats and Tigers" because it had plot, subplots, good characterization, description, minor characters,

etc. etc. Best of its kind, I think.

Historicals, though not unique to this fandom, find their greatest frequency in this fandom. Why do you think writers want to put them in so many moments and worlds of the past? I think it's the opportunity to combine two favorite interests. All fans seem to be history buffs - maybe it's better to ask why that rather than why historicals? Anyway, that's why I wrote mine - and for the great clothes.

Is it good or bad or does it matter that you've said all you want to about the characters? I actually don't see it matters to me. I'd hate to think B&D would be the only characters I'd ever bother about in my life. That would be sad.
