Green Stamps: The Starsky & Hutch Page

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Name: Green Stamps: The Starsky & Hutch Page
Owner/Maintainer: Leslie Larkins
Dates: April 12, 1996 to late 2002
Fandom: Starsky & Hutch
URL: ancient archived link
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Green Stamps: The Starsky & Hutch Page was a very early Starsky & Hutch fan resource page.

from the original page
from the new page

"Episode guides and fun stuff. A member of Starsky & Hutch WebRing since 04/14/1999."

It had links to other sites and information about the show.

The site was created in April 1996. The site moved in 2000 and was active until late 2002.

1/10/00: OK, it's time to be upfront about this...I will no longer be updating this site. I will keep the pages available as is, and the guestbook (which I will occasionally archive if it gets too big) will still work, but I won't likely be updating links or adding anything current. Sorry, but I have a new business and it has priority on my web time. I hope that this site can still serve as a resource for the S&H; fan community and I will continue to try to keep up on things myself. I want to thank all the fans who have taken the time to write, vote, contribute and comment, and I apologize for not being able to respond to the many good suggestions. I'm still quite amazed by the number of hits this page gets on a regular basis! The show has obviously held up well for a quarter of a century, and I hope we all may as well. Thank you all,

Leslie [1]

In August 2000, Larkins said that the site would be moving:

8/1/00: Well, I lied. I've been keeping an eye on this site and it's getting enough traffic that I figured I should give it a good overhaul to coincide with the new TNN broadcast schedule (Yay!). Unfortunately, the new and improved Green Stamps isn't quite finished yet. The basic layout is there but I need to port over all the data. You can get a preview of the new look and some of the new features at the Pretzel Productions site

Once that site is fully functional, I'll be removing this one, so update those bookmarks over the next few weeks! [2]

The New Site

On August 16, 2000, Larkins posted at the top of the site that the page was moving and provided this link.

Once upon a time there were three little girls... no wait, wrong show.

In September 1975 “Starsky and Hutch” premiered on ABC. In the 25 years since then, the pair of unorthodox, streetwise cops and their souped up hot rod Torino have become icons of disco style and violent-but-blood-free American television. Just a few notes of the “wakka-chicka” theme song is enough to transport any child of the 70's back to those Wednesday evenings parked in front of the tube.

The show is enjoying a resurgence, partly due to the current 70's nostalgia trend. I get as many messages from teens who seem to believe they invented chocheted vests and bell bottoms as I do from thirty-somethings who never outgrew their crushes on Paul, David and the Torino. The show has held up and held on to its fans not because of the kitsch or because it was hip, but because of the incredible chemistry between the two lead actors.

The new site included:

The New Site's Forum

The new site included a forum, one that appears to have been active and functional from December 2000 until December 2002.

From the main page: {{Green Stamps has developed quite an active fan community. Drop by the squadroom for some serious (and not so serious!) discussion of our favorite cops! (the old forum has given up the ghost - when I get it back in viewable format, you'll be able to access the archives. [3] }}

A December 21, 2000 announcement for the newly-created forum:

Hi there! Welcome to the newfangled Green Stamps community! I know this is a little confusing to some of you, but I hope you'll like our new home here once you get used to it. There's a lot more room to grow here than at either of the other board sites, and it allows me more control to add things like icons, emoticons and image posting. Some of these things are already implemented, some will come along as I figure them out. For now, you can post and reply pretty much the same way you're used to, but with a bit more elbow room!

If you need help with anything, please e-mail me at [email protected]

Try out the new Story Time forum!

Posted on:1:45 pm on Dec. 21, 2000 [4]

The forum struggled with technical issues. In March 2002, the site's owner wrote:

I do know about the problems with some of the forums. I tried to do a regular restore but apparently the back up files were somehow corrupted also. I should be able to get them back up, but it's going to take some more work and some recent posts may be lost. Sorry!

I'll try to get to it this evening, but things are *very* busy with my family this week and next, so I can't promise anything. Try to stay sane!


Posted on:1:36 pm on Mar. 25, 2002[5]

In late December 2002, the site's creator wrote:

It's not just a quick fix this time. Some majorly improtant files have been lost, and I'm not sure how recent the back ups I have are. And in any case, they're on my home computer and I'm at work. I'll do what I can to get things up asap, but I can't make any promises and some things may be lost. SORRY!!!


Update 11am, 12/20/02 : It doesn't look good, and given the timing (holiday crunch), I may not be able to do much to get everything back for a while. I'm thinking the best thing might be for me to set up a new forum (may involve losing post counts Sorry!) and try to get the old one back up separately as an archive when I can. I'll get *something* going soon, whether temporary or permanent, I'm not sure yet. Stay tuned...

1:25 pm: Well, I've been trying all morning (don't tell my boss! ) and nothing seems to be cooperating, so it's gonna have to wait until I get home tonight to my own computer (not this ratzen-fratzen iMac! )... I'm doin' the best I can here, guys!

12/21, 12:35 pm: Good news/Bad news time

I *finally* got the new board up and working. It's at

You can go ahead and register and post there - I'll be cleaning it up, moving over all the avatars and emoticons, and getting the graphics spiffed up over the next couple of weeks. I was planning to do this move in the next couple of months anyway, but this has forced my hand and, unfortunately, made the switch much rougher.

From what I can see now, the old board will be salvageable, but it's gonna take me some time to do it. We had really outgrown that database, anyway, and it had been giving me no end of problems lately, so for me, anyway, the new board should be much easier to deal with. I will do my best to have the old posts available as a read-only archive (Stampsville Historical Museum?) as soon as I can.

And before you ask, I'm not sure yet if I can manually change all of your post counts or not yet, so yes, you will all be rookies for a while...better dust off those uniforms, folks! On the other hand this is your opportunity to change your user name if you want to. I'm keeping my real name as admin, just to be more accessable, but feel free to register with your nick if you like.

See ya at the new place!

Posted on:12:49 pm on Dec. 21, 2002 [6]
