Five Things Kat St. Pete Said

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Interviews by Fans
Title: Five Things Kat St. Pete Said
Interviewer: Claudia Rebaza
Interviewee: Kat St. Pete
Date(s): April 1, 2016
Medium: online
External Links: Five Things Kat St. Pete Said
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Five Things Kat St. Pete Said is a 2016 Q&A guest post, conducted by the Organization for Transformative Works' Communications Committee with OTW Communications Committee graphics volunteer Kat St. Pete.

It was carried out as part of a series. See Five Things Said.


What fannish things do you like to do?

I’ve been involved in fandom for going on seventeen years now. Fandom had a huge influence on me in my teenage years and 20s in terms of the types of conversations that were being had and the amount of fantastically smart, cool, creative people to interact with. Being involved in social things, like online discussions or attending cons is something I love.

On the creative side, I like to do a bunch of different things. Back in the days of LJ, I used to make a lot of icons and LJ headers. Now I make GIFs on Tumblr or other graphics. I like participating in graphics challenges. I’m also trying to get back into writing fic after taking about six years off from writing. Last year, I successfully completely my first Big Bang, and I’m in the middle of hopefully completing my second right now. Fingers crossed!

What’s the most fun part of volunteering?

For me, it’s seeing all the different topics that come up. Every time I get a new milestone assigned, I love going through the draft post and learning about all the different conversations being had, or different activities people are doing, or discovering new fandoms that sound awesome. Each post kind of feels like a mini graphics challenge, with the prompt being the theme of the post. I like the challenge of how to turn an abstract concept into something concrete and visual. I’ve been a huge fan of the OTW since the organization was founded, and it’s incredibly rewarding to get to be a part of something that does so much for the community and cultural movement that is fandom.

You created the banner for the Five Things series — can you tell us about that?

Five Things was a really fun banner to create. A lot of the banners I’ve created are for one specific post and then don’t get re-used. Getting to create a banner for a series is different. It needs to be something that applies to a lot of contexts, some which I may not be able to imagine or didn’t think of when creating. So it needs to be a timeless design. I decided to use OTW colours for that reason, the red and grey, as well as because it’s a series about us! (My fellow volunteers and me.) I knew I wanted to play with typography, in order to give the banner wider applicability, and I wanted it to have some kind of quirky, fun, creative element.