Domestic Tranquillity

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Title: Domestic Tranquillity
Author(s): Sarah T
Date(s): 1996?
Fandom(s): Dracula: The Series
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Domestic Tranquillity is a roughly 10,000 word gen (het?) story in the Dracula: The Series fandom by Sarah T. Alexander Lucard (aka Dracula) is forced by a series of mishaps to abandon his chateau for renovations, and takes up residence in a rented house across from original character Elizabeth Birkenhead. Gustav Helsing, Max Townsend, Chris Townsend, and Sophie Metternich discover that he has moved (and is therefore temporarily vulnerable) and try to take advantage of the situation to achieve his destruction.

The story is notable for in many ways replicating the feel of the best episodes of the series, featuring all the main characters and integrating them into the plot, and the combination of light-hearted campiness with a lovely sharp darker twist.

Notable Quotes

"No! I am an artist, Lucard, not army chef! You'd better find someone who likes working under combat conditions to be your cook, because!" She stormed off.

Lucard turned on his heel and went up to his study, muttering, "And to think that I let the children escape because I didn't want to be late for that souffle!" He paused in the hall to pick up the phone directory, and flipped it open to "Pizza--delivery."