Del Floria's Interview with Georgiemagnolia

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Interviews by Fans
Title: Del Floria's Interview with Georgiemagnolia
Interviewer: Del Floria (Live Journal)
Interviewee: Georgiemagnolia
Date(s): February 9, 2014
Medium: online
Fandom(s): Man from U.N.C.L.E.
External Links: full interview is here, Archived version
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Del Floria's Interview with Georgiemagnolia is an interview with a Man from U.N.C.L.E. fan.

It is part of a series at Del Floria's. See Del Floria's Interview Series.


How would you respond to a critic who says, “Oh, you write fan fiction. You’re not a real writer.” Fuck off, dood, writing is writing. Not every author is worth the paper their book is printed on and not every writer is paid for their art. Writing is breathing to some of us and we will do it because it is part of us, not for the dubious approval of judgmental jackasses who likely don’t have a box or three full of stories and research and ideas for more stories. Those who can do and those that can’t bitch about those who do. Get a hobby!

What do you consider your weakest piece of work and why do you consider it so? I wrote a story a long time ago called “Points West” and it is supposed to be surreal and creepy and I could never get it there, I could not get the atmosphere to match my vision of the story, so I have had it laying around in a file (it predates common computer usage so we are talking paper in an actual filing drawer) until I can figure out how to solve the problem. That is what happens still with stories I am not satisfied with, I don’t share them.

What keeps you passionate about creating in the MFU universe? The endless permutations of what if and how come keep me coming back to explore possibilities over and over, imagining where things go next after the cameras stop rolling or how circumstances got the characters to where they are in the beginning and why they might do the things they do. So many ways that I get sucked into why and how and where and when with the episodes and wanting to have more detail on just what motivates Illya and Napoleon and Alexander to continue a thankless job.