Del Floria's Interview with Arcadii

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Interviews by Fans
Title: Del Floria's Interview with Arcadii
Interviewer: Del Floria (Live Journal)
Interviewee: Arcadii
Date(s): May 11, 2014
Medium: online
Fandom(s): Man from U.N.C.L.E.
External Links: interview is here, Archived version
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Del Floria's Interview with Arcadii is an interview with a Man from U.N.C.L.E. fan.

It is part of a series at Del Floria's. See Del Floria's Interview Series.


Why MFU? What is it about the show that fuelled your creativity? The chemistry between Napoleon and Illya. I was a precocious five when I started watching the show and even at that tender age, I knew there was something special about those two characters. Then I found the re-birth of MFU through fan fiction and I wanted to be a part of it. I've only finished one story and that was inspired by a very dear cousin, but I do have a couple of others that I want to finish eventually.

How would you respond to a critic who says, “Oh, you write fan fiction? You’re not a real writer.” I'd tell them to read something with an open mind and then get back to me. There are so many talented writers out there and they work too hard plotting out intricate stories and colorful characters to be dismissed as "only" a fan fiction writer. I think it takes more dedication to write fan fiction where you're only paid by reviews and the accolades of your peers than if you're pulling in a salary. Also, since your work is on line, often times you are able to reach a larger audience.

What keeps you passionate about creating in the MFU universe? Keeping it alive and not dead and forgotten. Though it has been off of the network air for decades, MFU is such a vibrant universe with endless possibilities and an adamant and infectious fan base that it is still able to recruit new members daily through the creation of fan fiction. Rock on, cousins!
