Chris Hemsworth

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Name: Chris Hemsworth
Also Known As:
Occupation: Actor, Producer
Medium: Movies, TV
Works: Thor Movieverse, The Avengers, Ghostbusters (2016)
Official Website(s):
Fan Website(s):
On Fanlore: Related pages

Chris Hemsworth is an Australian actor and producer. His brothers Liam and Luke are also actors.

Acting Career

Chris is a fan favorite in the MCU as Thor Odinson, in what is termed the Thor Movieverse: Thor, Ragnarok, Dark World, and Love and Thunder.

He also notably played The Huntsman in Snow White and The Huntsman, and the ditzy receptionist Kevin Beckman in Ghostbusters (2016).


Chris is considered a contender in the Best Chris ranking debate.

In RPF, he is popularly shipped with Tom Hiddleston: as of March 12 2023, there are 937 fics with this pairing, including 113 in Russian.