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Pairing: Spock/Chapel
Alternative name(s): Spock/Christine,
Gender category: Het
Fandom: Star Trek: The Original Series
Canonical?: No
Prevalence: Popular het pairing
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Spock/Christine Chapel is the heterosexual pairing of Spock and Christine Chapel in Star Trek: The Original Series fandom.


In canon, Christine Chapel has an unrequited crush on Spock.


Many fans supported the idea of Spock and Christine eventually being together. There are also early fan fiction stories where Christine helps Spock, with or without his knowledge, due to her feelings for him.

Fan Comments

... I will be forever sad how despite a lot of the merch that came out in the ‘70s and ‘80s, Chapel is never considered part of the main crew. 😭 I am so glad that there are still people out there that are into Spock/Chapel or at least don’t hate it on principle.

Man, things have changed regarding this ship. Way back before the internet and probably up until the early 2000s, Spock/Chapel was a fairly popular ship. Fanzines were way before my time but they are a treasure trove of old school Spock/Chapel stories before new canon came in. Kista by Jane Land is one of those must read classics. I think it was written in the 1980s. Many say that it really changed their minds about Christine Chapel. There’s a lot of negativity around her character, undeserved, I feel.

You can go through ff.net and Ao3 and exhaust your options there and there will still be a treasure trove of fic on 1001 Trek Tales. A lot of these older stories are being moved to Ao3 but I was like this 😍 when I saw it because there is such a diverse selection there with all different kinds of portrayals. These are a different flavor than what you might find in more modern stories since they’re older but I really like them because all these people loved Star Trek and kept the love going even when there weren’t any new projects on the horizon. My favorite authors are Djinn, T’Kuht, and DebbieB, but really all the authors are top notch though keep in mind, 1001 Trek Tales also serves as a site preserving stories from old fanzines so not every author has Spock/Chapel stories. Also the diversity of Spock/Chapel stories is amazing as well, particularly when it comes to the portrayal of Christine Chapel. Depending on what you like, she can be more passive and sweet or tough and abrasive, it all depends on the author! [1]




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  1. ^ from tumblr.com/spockandchapel (unknown date)