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Synonyms: Coming Out
See also: Larry Stylinson, Larry is Real, Larrie, stunt, tinhat
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CO stands for Come Out or Coming Out in the Larrie faction of One Direction fandom.

The term is used to refer to, and theorize about, the day when these fans believe Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson will escape the clutches of 1DHQ and reveal to the world that they are both queer and have been in a secret relationship. This will end the Big Gay War and the stunts that Larries believe the two musicians have been subjected to since the start of the band in 2010.

Predicting CO dates and setups is a common activity in Larry corners of the fandom. Meanwhile, anti-Larries like to use the term to highlight -- and sometimes mock -- these predictions by pointing out that neither Harry nor Louis have "co-ed" yet.

Examples of Use

CO can be used as a noun, or as a verb used in various tenses and aspects.

They know that the most of 1D fandom is Larry af and because they're seeding for the CO of Louis and Harry, they decided to pull this stunt.

Z_Saleh1, 2015[1]

For me, I feel like the world is ready again for radical social mvts, but tptb r fighting to hold the world & youth status quo.

The support is there. Overwhelmingly. Larry CO would be unprecedented & 100X the PR value of any fauxmance or even BG. And yet…

For me CO is not a focus. rather the professional development & ability to be something more. Stunts limit them to LArry. IMO.

norrtwinst, 2016[2]

#i guess that CO wasn't quite on track #maybe that forward progress was just gas #failed CO predictions

failedlarrypredictions tags, 2018[3]

I’d say me as a very tired & still doubting Larry in 2019, seeing no progress with Louis’ stunts ending & Harry CO alone: [gif of a child being dragged around a carpet by a toy carrousel]

wewithyoursmile, 2019[4]

i just hopped on tiktok for the first time in a while and the larries are convinced larry will CO in the mv??? and some saying they will be disappointed if it doesn’t happen like???

94CANYONLOU, 2020[5]

when something minor happens y’all have got to stop assuming it means that the stunt ends 😭😭 [...]

them slipping up isn’t a sign that larry will co by next saturday

erodalwtt, 2020[6]

I read a theory that the only way she would have agreed to such a stunt is if in the end it will be revealed as a stunt and that perhaps Harry will CO. Which would help her image as being someone supportive of Harry. I’d rather his last stunt/beard be someone like Olivia

BraveSunflowr28, 2021[7]
