Bugs Bunny/Daffy Duck

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Pairing: Bugs Bunny/Daffy Duck
Alternative name(s): Baffy
Gender category: slash
Fandom: Looney Tunes
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Baffy is the slash pairing between Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck from the Looney Tunes.

Baffy is Canon?

In July 2022, the official Looney Tunes Instagram account released a video centred around Baffy, and in the comments section, they replied to several of the comments by being very obviously shippy about it. However, the account itself doesn't take itself seriously despite being the verified and official account for the Looney Tunes, likely to reflect the chaotic nature of the canon material.

A week or so later 'bugs bunny' began to trend on Tumblr, and the information of this apparent canonisation from the official Insta account began to gain traction.