Anywhere But Here (genre)

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Related tropes/genresY/N, Reader-Insert
See alsoSelf-Insertion
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Anywhere But Here or ABH is a term for fanfic written in the second person. These fics often involve a self-insert. CFAN's fandom glossary linked the term to Star Wars, although it showed up occasionally in Buffy fandom as well.

Example of Use

...'anywhere but here' -- stories where the reader is the main character with Giles. Two of these were written in collaboration during online chats on IRC with a group of GASPers - (Giles Appreciation Society Panters) The other Love Bites was written by an extremely talented ABHer GylzGirl. Most every Monday morning she comes through with an ABH on the Gasper mailing list.

—from the editorial of Passion

ABH (Anywhere But Here) is a particular style of story, generally second person, where the author simply puts 'you' exactly where you want to be. Since where a lot of us want to be tends to be a place not suitable for children, the ratings on these tend to be rather strong. Don't read if you can't deal with it. (Yes, this is your only warning. Well, other than the string of 'NC-17' ratings you're about to encounter.)

The Fic Closet

Fanwork Examples