Anime Portugal

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Name: Anime Portugal
Dates: 2004 - November 2018
Type: Discussion, news,
Fandom: anime
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Anime Portugal was a fan-run Anime news and event website with a Forum and a Gallery, created by Portuguese fans.

The website was one of the pioneers of anime and fandom forums in Portugal[1]. The website saw its end with the branching the Portuguese fans into other websites.

No dia 1 de Novembro de 2018, o site Anime Portugal encerrou.

O Anime Portugal foi criado em 2004, com o objectivo de ser um local onde a comunidade se poderia juntar, comunicar entre si, partilhar fotos de eventos, partilhar informação, etc. Apesar do site ter tido milhões de visitas, mais 500000 mensagens no fórum, milhares de fotos, centenas de artigos, etc., com o passar dos anos, a internet foi oferecendo vários meios de comunicação alternativos e a comunidade foi-se aos poucos dispersando por estas, tento impacto no site. Após poderarmos a situação deste, achamos que o Anime Portugal tinha cumprido assim o seu objectivo, e que ao fim de quase 15 anos, tinha chegado a altura de o encerrar. Agradecemos todo o apoio e carinho dos membros e visitantes ao longo dos anos, pois foram vocês a razão do sucesso do site. Não existe muitos sites/fóruns portugueses que tenham tido o impacto sobre a sua respectiva comunidade, e poucos atingiram a nossa idade e estatuto.

Um agradecimento especial também para todos os membros que fizeram parte da equipa do site ao longo dos anos. A vossa ajuda e dedicação foi imprescindível.

Closing notice in Archived version of the Website

On the 1st of November 2018, the Anime Portugal Website closed down.

Anime Portugal was created in 2004, with the goal of being a place where the community could come together, communicate amongst itself, share photos of events, share information etc. Although the website ranked up millions of views, with more than 500000 forum messages, thousands of photos, hundreds of articles etc., with the passing of the years, the internet began offering alternative means to communicate and the community slowly began trickling into these, which impacted the website. After pondering the state of the website, we thought that Anime Portugal had done its job, and that after almost 15 years, the time had come to close it. We thank the members and visitors for all their support and care, because you've been the reason for the site's success. There aren't many Portuguese websites/forums that had had the same impact over their respective community, and few ever reached our age and status.

A very special thanks also to all the members that were part of the website's team over the years. Your help and dedication was essential.

Translation by Aliandry


  1. ^ News article in the Otakupt website regarding the closing of Anime Portugal