Criston Cole/Alicent Hightower

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Pairing: Criston Cole x Alicent Hightower
Alternative name(s): Alicole
Gender category: Het
Fandom: House of the Dragon
Canonical?: No
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Alicole is the pairing of Alicent Hightower and Criston Cole in the House of the Dragon fandom.

sworn protector and his queen???? kills for her at the drop of the hat and shes like dude pls chill?? and hes like no chill i wont suffer insults to her grace the queen?? alicent “is there no one in kings landing to take my side” then criston takes her side in all things always with ZERO ulterior motives, the only person she didnt give birth to who isnt using her to get something??? helps her beloved son overcome his disability to be one of the greatest warriors in westeros??? is her sons close confidant (father)??? hes maybe the only person in kings landing she can look at and not be reminded of her traumas or what a mess her life has become??? and for him she quite literally saved his life?? gave his life meaning, that there was something worth upholding and fighting for in the world (even if its all pretty misguided and they should pack up the kids and go sell oranges in essos)??? so much to unpack with these two



Popular tropes in fanworks

  • Courtly love, also known as the Guinevere/Lancelot aspect
  • Them bonding over being Rhaenyra's burned exes (see Criston Cole/Rhaenyra Targaryen and Alicent Hightower/Rhaenyra Targaryen)
  • Criston being a father figure to Alicent's children. This is heavily associated with the phrase, "I'm not the step-father, I'm the father that stepped up."


There are two divergent ideas about sexuality in their relationship, both fairly popular. One is a more conventional idea about repressed longing. The other is that they're both sexually damaged by their prior experiences, and a result don't fully — or at least not uncomplicatedly — desire to have sex with each other. The two ideas are often simultaneously expressed by the same shippers.

I am so torn on Alicent and Cole. Like on one hand I want them to be a chaste and tragic courtly love pairing and that their love and longing for each other completely stays in subtext, but on the other hand I want Alicent and Cole to at least experience some consensual and guilt free sex before they die.
To me, Alicole as a ship is extremely versatile in terms of narrative potential.

On one hand, you can write their relationship as harking to the courtly romances of old where the nature of their affair is purely emotional, within the bounds of the medieval-adjacent social mores, and thus sex is neither expected nor desired.

Or a courtly romance where beneath the veneer of propriety and restraint, there is actually simmering sexual desire that nevertheless will never be consummated due to their sense of honour, duty and moral righteousness, as well the sexual trauma they went through.

Or on the other hand, it could be a passionate affair of body and soul, with the two of them finding power, fulfilment and even healing in sex that wasn't forced upon them, that they both chose to have and actually enjoy having.



then move not while my prayer's effect i take. [1] archive by magenta_lionsDate: 28 September 2022Length: 1k
After the fight with Harwin Strong, Criston goes to his Queen and she tends to him.
Longing [2] archive by Phantomwriter05Date: 1 October 2022Length: 3k
They cannot hold each other, cannot kiss, but they can be there, every day, for the rest of their lives.
a cage she'd live in forever archive by scalyfreaksDate: 12 October 2022Length: 5k
Alicent and Criston after Aemond looses his eye.
my hand was the one you reached for [3] by haught_hightowerDate: 23 October 2022–ongoingLength: 48k
Fleshing out Alicent, Criston, and the kids' relationship during the 10-year time jump from episode 5 to episode 6.


Based on Pre-Raphaelite paintings




The phrase "the father that stepped up".



  1. ^ elegantwoes (17 Oct 2022). "I am so torn on Alicent and Cole". Tumblr. Archived from the original on Nov 2, 2022.
  2. ^ Anonymous (Oct 20, 2022). "Alicole as a ship is extremely versatile". Tumblr. Archived from the original on Nov 2, 2022.