12 stories

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Journal Community
Name: 12_stories
Date(s): 2007 -
Moderator: nakeisha
Founder: nakeisha
Type: Challenge
Fandom: multifandom
URL: https://12_stories.livejournal.com/

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12_stories is a theme community that allows fills for a mix of pairings. Participants are not required to stick to a single claim when writing. There have been 1,006 entries and 2,066 comments posted to the community since 2007.



To 12_stories

A multi-fandom fanfiction community, with a difference. The difference being that rather than just claiming one pairing, you can claim one, two, three, four, six or twelve pairings*.

For more details see the Overview.

As this community will contain fanfiction of an adult, both homoerotic and heterosexual, nature, you should be over the age of consent within your own country to join.

The community is slash, het and gen friendly. This means it will contain fanfiction of an adult, both homoerotic and heterosexual nature. Thus, if the idea of a romantic and/or sexual relationship between two people of the same gender or two people of opposite genders offends or upsets you, and/or you are under the age of consent within your country, then this community is not for you.
