Killian Jones (Wish)

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Name: Killian Jones
Wish!Killian Jones
Detective Rogers
Nook[note 1]
Occupation: Former pirate
Detective (cursed)
Relationships: Alice Jones - Daughter
Fandom: Once Upon a Time
Other: Played by Colin O'Donoghue
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Killian Jones (Wishverse) is a character from Once Upon a Time. He is another version of Killian Jones from the Wish Realm. To differentiate the two versions terms such as Original!Killian/Hook and Wish!Killian/Hook are often used.


Wish!Killian is a version of Killian Jones from the Wish Realm, a realm seemingly created from a wish that resembles a parallel universe to the Enchanted Forest. Though the show's expanation of this realm is somewhat contradictory and vague in some of its details, this version of Killian appears to have a similar backstory and personality up to a certain point in the realm's timeline.



The reception of the character appears to be relatively mixed depending on the clique of OUAT fandom each fan belongs to. Some fans of Original!Killian, such as many of the O'Donocrew, also like Wish!Killian due to a shared love of Killian as a character in whatever form he appears in. Other OG! fans have taken a more hostile view of the character, dismissing him as a fake and coining the name 'Fook' (portmanteau of Fake Hook) to describe him. Many fans hold views along the range of opinions.

There are also OUAT fans who disliked Original!Killian but like his Wishverse self, for various reasons. This resulted in suggestions that some of this was related to shipping: Wish!Killian was a version of Killian separate from Captain Swan, and therefore was unrelated to the Captain Swan vs. Swan Queen ship war. Similarly, having a Killian whose focal relationship was a father-daughter one, rather than a romantic one, appealed to a wide variety of fans.



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  1. ^ Name given to him by Zelena Mills and used by Robin Mills
