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You may be looking for a different Doctor/Master pairing; see The Doctor/The Master.
Pairing: Twelfth Doctor/Missy
Alternative name(s): Twissy
Gender category: M/F
Fandom: Doctor Who
"illustration of the the Twelfth Doctor with his hands on either side of Missy's face, leaning in to kiss her, Missy is looking at him while the Doctor has his eyes closed. On a white background."
thank you by doreline (2015)
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Twelve/Missy is the pairing of the Twelfth Doctor and Missy aka The Master from Doctor Who fandom. Works pairing Twelve with other regenerations of the Master also appear, but they are rarer.


The Master played by Michelle Gomez makes no secret of her feelings for the Doctor, and openly calls him her "boyfriend". She conceals her identity at first, calling herself "Missy" (short for Mistress), until he finally encounters her in the middle of her base of operations. She pretends to be a robot and, in this persona, snogs him senseless up against a wall. The Master then pulls the Doctor's hand to her chest, making him feel her double heartbeat. He soon acknowledges that she's a Time Lady, and she tells the Doctor that she's "the one you abandoned [...] the one you left behind."

It's also revealed that the Master carefully manipulated situations so that the Doctor's companion, Clara Oswald, and the Doctor would meet, claiming that "she's perfect" for him.

Identity revealed, the Doctor panics, realizing that the Cybermen army patrolling the Earth is completely under her command. However, said army turns out to be her birthday gift to him, in an attempt to restore their friendship. By making the Doctor in charge of an army, she hopes that he will see that they're not so different. The Master mockingly gets down on her knees for the Doctor, waiting for his response. The moment triggers an epiphany in the Doctor — the realization that he truly is just "an idiot, with a box and a screwdriver". The Doctor gets down on his knees to kiss the Master in joy, to thank her for making him realize this once again.

Clara attempts to kill the Missy for everything she's done, but the Doctor won't let her - he wants the burden of this murder to fall on him, not on Clara. Missy demands that the Doctor "say something nice" before he executes her, and the Doctor tells her, in defeat, that she wins (meaning that, in killing her, he is like her). However, before he can go through with it, the Master is disposed of by the Cyber-converted corpse of the Brigadier (see Third Doctor era).

In Series 9, Missy has been left the Doctor's last will and testament, and recruits Clara to find him, and upon doing so, are taken to Skaro. Missy kills a Dalek and forces Clara into the empty case, then almost tricks the Doctor into executing Clara. The Doctor, enraged at Missy, tells her to run.

In Series 10, the Doctor is revealed to have spent the last 70 years as a professor at the university of Bristol because he has sworn to guard a vault containing Missy. The Doctor had been called to oversee her execution, but instead he saved her. He did hold on to his oath to guard her body for a 1000 years, however, and brought her to Bristol inside the unbreakable vault. Over the years he had tried to rehabilitate her, to make her 'good', and after she helped her when a misbehaving Tardis stranded him on Mars, he allowed her to leave the vault and accompany him on his trips. By the end of the series Missy was a part of Team Tardis, travelling with the Doctor and his other two companions Bill Potts and Nardole.

To teach Missy to become more like himself, the Doctor sent her to answer a distress call on a space ship with Bill and Nardole instead of going himself, but things went wrong when Bill was seemingly killed and her body taken away by creatures terrorizing the ship. As the ship was caught near a black hole, time moved in different speeds at the opposite ends of the ship, meaning that by the time Missy and the Doctor came to rescue Bill, 10 years had passed for her. In that time she'd made friends with a man eventually revealed to be the Simm!Master in disguise. He had been building an army of Cybermen, and turned Bill into one just before the Doctor could rescue her, and then persuaded Missy to betray the Doctor as well. The Doctor himself becomes gravely injured, and began to regenerate (though he was able to hold it back by sheer will). The Doctor begged the Master and Missy to help him save the last remaining survivors on the ship, but they both seemingly refused and left to escape alone. Missy, however, stabbed her former self, telling him that she was going to stand with the Doctor instead. He retaliated by shooting her, and Missy was left for dead as the Master began to regenerate into her.


With Missy revealed to be The Master, Doctor/Master became a het pairing for the first time in its very long history, opening a whole new dynamic to the characters' complex relationship.

There was early discussion and complaints about Missy's depiction in fanfiction (but also in canon), as not been in keeping with Timelord lore or the Master's traditional characterization. Some fans noticed gender stereotypes creeping into the depiction of this pairing in fanfiction; with Missy overly concerned with her appearance, the fact she is middle aged and acting more submissive in her interactions with the Doctor.

Fans noticed an influx of new writers, often with little knowledge of previous D/M pairings. This is a common complaint in DW fandom. However this time, fans noticed that many of these new writers were traditionally het shippers and this iteration of the ship had not encouraged slash shippers to return to the pairing.

So, here are some general sourpuss (caveat: I'm not v squeeful about this, so be warned!) observations about Twelve/Gomez!Master fic what I have read:
  • there's not that MUCH of it. I sort of expected there'd be more?
  • the bulk of it is by people I don't know, who seem to have come in from het ships or from Marvel (no problem there, just makes for a different developmental arc than if it was like older D/M people, revived!! or something) (more on this later)
  • it's not very interested in Classic beyond some glancing references--it doesn't feel like it comes out of that
  • a lot of it FEELS like early Ten/Simm!Master fic, tonally and in its preoccupations
  • lighter on the BDSMy quality than ten/simm!master was as a whole, but some power dynamics stuff
  • it's often not very funny--the atmosphere is often kind of--stale and sad?
  • except Twelve seems super tired and not into it, and Gomez!Master EXTRA NEEDY in a way that makes me kind of uncomfortable, given how tied in that is with her femininity/Moffat Women [1]

Some fans felt that debates about Missy's characterization diminished over time, and Twelve and Missy's pairing proved to provide some of the most in depth canon for the Doctor x Master ship in years.

Through series' 9 and 10, the ship became vastly popular with established Doctor/Master shippers, knowing that every intimate moment between the two technically meant all other pairings of the ship were having them too. The series 10 arc of Missy genuinely wanting to become "good" and eventually traveling with the Doctor in the TARDIS caused much delight, along with fanfic ranging from heavy angst and character studies to crack fics involving the TARDIS team at the time. Another popular fanfic trope included the often soft "Vault fics", depicting what might've happened during the many years Missy was imprisoned by the Doctor in the Vault.

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  1. ^ Observations by x_losfic on discussion post at Best Enemies on LJ. April 2015