Titan AE

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Name: Titan A.E.
Abbreviation(s): TAE
Creator: Fox Animated Studios
Date(s): June 16, 2000
Medium: Film
Country of Origin: USA
External Links: Titan A.E. on Wikipedia
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Titan A.E.

Titan AE or Titan A.E. is a film released on June 16th, 2000 by Fox Studios Animation. The story follows Cale Tucker as he joins a motley crew in pursuit of a mysterious device called the Titan which is fabled to be humanities last hope after the destruction of Earth by the aliens known as Drej. The film carries themes of leaving home, loss of parents, and finding your place in the universe.


Other Official Media

  • Akima's Story Tie in prequel novel featuring Akima and Stith.
  • Cale's Story Tie in prequel novel featuring Cale and Tek, his vusstran guardian.
  • Titan A.E. Novelization of the movie.
  • Titan A.E. Prequel comic trilogy following Cale's parents and Korso.


The fandom was highly active from 2000 to around 2006 and now exists mostly via fanart and fanfiction versus full communities such as existed during the heyday of EZBoard and Yahoo! Groups. With the deletion or gutting of those sites much of the fandom lore was lost. Popular canon pairings include Cale/Akima and popular fanon pairings include Cale/Korso. The most popular character currently is likely Stith, the female alien gunner of the Valkyrie's crew.

The fandom is known for expanding greatly on what little was given in the film, tie in books, and tie in comics. It had a very rich and active role playing community which penned thousands of words over the years following the film's release and developed many of the species only given brief screen time if more than a singular scene. An example being the popular fanon that P'Lochda and Solbrecht are the planets that the species akrennian and mantrin originated from respectively - these are in fact two planets that Gune refers to when reading Cale's map. In particular Stith's species of mantrin was greatly expanded upon and given multiple races. An entire fandom of it's own has sprung up surrounding her species primarily within the furry community.



  • Lachrimae by Tiarhlu. It is notable for being an in depth and complex look at Stith's character. The version currently on FanFiction.net is the edited version of only 8 chapters. The original, which was cowritten with Lyssl under the username Ras and Lys, had 45 chapters and dealt with many heavy themes such as racism.
  • Mantrin Imperial Guard by Specter06. Notable for being an entirely original fanwork with original characters using many fan terms and references to fics such as Lachrimae as an example of fan material becoming fanon. Examples include the variety of mantrin races and the language Preidogian from Lachrimae.
  • TITAN AE II - The Secret of the Drej by Tacochocopacokako. Notable for being a realistic fanon sequel to Titan A.E. with many references to the official prequel novels and greatly expanding on the official material.

Stith and Preed Show

The Stith and Preed Show was a staple attraction of The Flaming Akrennian[note 1]. The show was written by multiple authors, primarily Tiarhlu and often WakeAngel in early seasons, and only available on TFA and later AE. Any member of the forum could write an episode, so there was a wide variety. It featured a script form, talk show format of Stith and Preed interviewing guests, sometimes included commercial breaks and mentions of an intro and outro theme music. Since it was a talk show they had guest stars so was always by default a form of crossover.


Mantrin Races

The first race of mantrin is Sogowan, which came about during a debate about Stith's species - in the credit scenes her title card attests her as a 'Sogowan' but all novelization and other materials attest her as a 'Mantrin' which became the fandom accepted term for her species. Sogowan was subsequently deemed her race and the fandom began creating more. The names of which are Sogowan, Logri[note 2], Goureg[note 3], Orkeht[note 4], Fjetahna[note 5], the derivative Son- races (Sonowan, Soneg, Soneht, Songri)[note 6], Talocaan, Kadiyan[note 7], Ryrjhii [note 8], Amadre [note 9], Dalsyth [note 10], Porlau [note 11], and others[1]. The number clocked out at around twenty distinct races and variations.

Archives and Fannish Works

Fan Sites


  • After Earth Archives What remains of the After Earth roleplay archives after the EZBoard hacker attack and the site dissolving. After Earth was created from the two forums The Flaming Akrennian and Space Port Seven merging and in 2005 the two split again, with Space Port Seven moving to it's own forums to continue the roleplay aspect of the fandom.
  • Titan AE Fan Wiki


  1. ^ My Special Species List, posted by one of the After Earth administrators (Arrow Tibbs) regarding their current roleplay species and races lineup


  1. ^ The Flaming Akrennian was an EZBoard forum that operated in the early 2000s and later merged with Space Port Seven to form After Earth.
  2. ^ An arctic dwelling race created by Tiarhlu.
  3. ^ A coastal race created by Tiarhlu
  4. ^ Plains dwelling with distinctive stripes, created by Lyssl
  5. ^ Created by I Am Not A Mechanic (IANAM) based on early concept art for Stith which featured her with hair and a tufted tail.
  6. ^ Created by Arrow Tibbs, sexual dimorphism of green males and lavender females
  7. ^ A Sogowan sub-race with darkened points and diamond shaped markings down the spine, created by Ssukor
  8. ^ Largest race with a distinct hooked beak, created by Arrow Tibbs
  9. ^ An update of Soneht, created by Arrow Tibbs
  10. ^ Black with a red beak, created by SubmissiveTrout
  11. ^ Update of Sonowan, created by Arrow Tibbs