Joey Rodrigues

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Name: Joey Rodrigues
Alias(es): joey, Jeroen Richards
Type: fan artist, fan writer
Fandoms: Star Trek: TNG, Professionals, Man From UNCLE, Star Trek: Voyager, LOTR
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Joey Rodrigues has been a fan artist and fan writer since the mid 1990s. She has illustrated numerous fanzines in the Star Trek: TNG, Star Trek: Deep Space 9, Star Trek: Voyager, Professionals fandoms. Her first fanzine effort was edited by Jo-Ann Lassiter and she has also worked with Randall Landers editor of Orion Press. In 1993 she was nominated for a FanQ Award as Best Artist for her work in Involution. She likes spending her time contemplating her cats but the real question is: do they contemplate back?


Joey has given blanket permission for her art to appear on Fanlore. Please see Talk:Joey Rodrigues before making changes to image size.

cover of Idylls #13
Patrick Stewart
"Bodie" (Professionals)
"Doyle" (Professionals)
"Martin Shaw"
interior art Motet (Professionals)
interior art Motet

"An Old Spy" a portrait of Illya. Most MUNCLE fanart depicts the characters as they were on the TV show. This is a rare example of a fanartist illustrating the character as he aged.