Whom Death Could Not Part

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Title: Whom Death Could Not Part
Author(s): Kari Masoner
Date(s): 1982
Genre(s): gen
Fandom(s): Starsky & Hutch
External Links: Whom Death Could Not Part

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Whom Death Could Not Part is a Starsky & Hutch story by Kari Masoner.

It was published in Half Me, Half You.

This story was discussed in a 1988 essay printed in Tell Me Something I Don't Know! #11. The topic was how death stories could be used to explore different emotions in fanfiction. Some examples were Whom Death Could Not Part, Nighthorse, Delivered to Thee, It's Always Toughest, Invictus, Mojave Crossing, and Goliath.

Reactions and Reviews

I'd like to get into a subject that might not be very dear to our hearts, but is certainly relevant. The subject being—"death-stories". The less-than-popular idea of "killing off" either Starsky or Hutch is an understandably upsetting thought for their stories, but shouldn't be the reason for our distaste for them. I think that there is a reason for their existence, unpopular though that may be or not. Pirst off, there seem to be several Types of "death-stories" that we ,can look at. In the 'Romantic' Type, as in Kari Masoner's Whom Death Could Not Part, it is relatively easy for the Reader to accept emotionally as it is a very sentimental story—the premise of which being that Starsky dies of a broken heart after Hutch's death a few moments before. [1]

The less-than-popular idea of "killing off" either Starsky or Hutch is an understandably upsetting thought for their stories, but shouldn't be the reason for our distaste for them. I think that there is a reason for their existence, unpopular though that may be or not. First off, there seem to be several Types of "death-stories" that we can look at. In the 'Romantic' Type, as in Kari Masoner's Whom Death Could Not Part, it is relatively easy for the Reader to accept emotionally as it is a very sentimental story — the premise of which being that Starsky dies of a broken heart after Hutch's death a few moments before. [2]

‘Whom Death Could Not Part’ presents many problems, the least being the fact that it’s a death story. I rather like the idea of S&H being together forever in whatever lies beyond this life… but I have my doubts that this story is how S&H will meet their end. The Starsky here is not the Starsky that I saw in the aired series, especially the Starsky from “The Psychic.” Don’t make an established character do or say something out of line with his established character, or if you must, give him good solid reasons why. I wish Kari had expounded further on why Starsky reacted the way he did. [3]
