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Title: Nighthorse
Author(s): Karen J. Stewart
Genre(s): gen
Fandom(s): Starsky & Hutch
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Nighthorse is a Starsky & Hutch story by Karen J. Stewart.

It was published in Zebra Three #5.

This story was discussed in a 1988 essay printed in Tell Me Something I Don't Know! #11. The topic was how death stories could be used to explore different emotions in fanfiction. Some examples were Whom Death Could Not Part, Nighthorse, Delivered to Thee, It's Always Toughest, Invictus, Mojave Crossing, and Goliath.

Reactions and Reviews

...we have "slave-trader" type "death-stories". A good example of this type would be Karen J. Stewart's Highthorse where Forrest has Starsky and Hutch as his prisoners, he tortures and kills Starsky with electric shock, then has Hutch committing suicide! This kind of emotional cruelty on the part of the Writer always has me very concerned for the outcome of the Reader! [1]

The absolute worst piece in the zine, ‘Night Horse.’ had at least this in its favor: it many have been an unremitting an pointless hurt-Hutch but it was true enough to its premise that it ended with him dead and not clutching his pillow. [2]

If Nighthorse doesn't give you goose bumps, you ain't breathin'! [3]


  1. ^ from Tell Me Something I Don't Know! #11
  2. ^ from S and H #12 (July 1980), reprinted as part of Bored of Review by Paula Smith in Warped Space #45 (March 1981)
  3. ^ from Black Bean Soup v.2 n.22 (June 1996)