Something Different

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Title: Something Different
Author(s): fawatson
Date(s): 17 December 2012
Length: 4610 words
Genre(s): futurefic
Fandom(s): The Sandbaggers
External Links: “Something Different” at Yuletide 2011[1]

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"Something Different " is a short story by fawatson based on the Yorkshire Television spy series The Sandbaggers. It was written for Kainosite as a part of Yuletide 2012.

The story is set a few months after the final episode of series three, and is also, unofficially, a sequel to On a Short Leash (another short story by the same author). Willie Caine is now D.Ops. and Neil Burnside has returned to London as D.Int. Wellingham, along with other British officials, is being held hostage at the British Embassy in East Africa; but Lady Wellingham along with a handful of other Brits has escaped capture and is in hiding at the Norwegian embassy. A mission is mounted to bring the escapees home. As the mission unfolds one learns that the true bond between the Burnside-Wellingham families is between Neil and his former mother-in-law and Burnside would “move heaven and earth” for Lady Jean Wellingham (thus revealing the motivation behind Sir Geoffrey Wellingham’s continuing support for Burnside despite Neil’s failed marriage to Belinda Wellingham. This fulfilled the recipient’s request which asked: “When and why did Sir Geoffrey decide Neil should be his Sith apprentice?”

"Something Different" was enthusiastically received by its intended recipient who said:

  • "This is absolutely splendid, dear author, as tense and gritty and plausible as the real thing. You've got all their voices spot-on: Neil's terse frustration with other people's incompetence, Jeff's boorish geniality, Willie's good humored but slightly cynical resignation to everyone's more noxious habits. Lady Jean as the driver behind the whole Neil-House of Wellingham connection is a stroke of genius. It makes sense of everything...." — comment by Kainosite
