On a Short Leash

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Title: On a Short Leash
Author(s): fawatson
Date(s): 18 December 2011
Length: 3099 words
Genre(s): futurefic
Fandom(s): The Sandbaggers
External Links: “On a Short Leash” at Yuletide 2011[1]

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"On a Short Leash" is a short story by fawatson based on the Yorkshire Television spy series The Sandbaggers. It was written as a pinch-hit for ide_cyan as a part of Yuletide 2011.

The story is set a few months after the final episode of series three. Willie Caine, in a wheelchair, is now D.Int. and Dalgetty (formerly D.Int) has now succeeded as D.Ops. Burnside has been laterally moved to be Head of Madrid Station (something that was bruited as a possibility in one of the episodes in the last series). The story focuses on Willie who realises that Burnside, ostensibly on holiday, is in reality carrying out a covert operation to assassinate the President of East Africa (a reference to a failed proposal to assassinate said President in an early episode of series one). Also seen are Jeff Ross, Matthew Peele, John Tower Gibbs, the hapless Dalgetty (who clearly doesn’t realise what is happening) and Mike Wallace (now promoted to Sandbagger One). The story ends with Dalgetty moved on, Willie moved laterally to D.Ops and Burnside brought back to London to become D.Int. and thus kept ‘on a short leash.’

"On a Short Leash" attracted two comments eliciting 10 comments, 6 kudos and 40 hits as of 07/01/2012. Comments included:

  • "It feels like a slice of the TV show.... Remind me to buy you a hamburger if I ever get the chance." — comment by ide_cyan
