Your Favorite Ghost

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Title: Your Favorite Ghost
Author(s): Augustbird
Date(s): 2014-04-27
Length: 21k
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Captain America Movieverse
External Links: AO3
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Your Favorite Ghost is a MCU Steve/Bucky fic by Augustbird set post-CA2. As of August 2021, the fic has over 276,000 hits, 17,300 kudos, 630 comments, and 4600 bookmarks on Archive of Our Own.


It's harder than Steve ever expected to bring Bucky home

Author's Notes

It takes an entire village for me to write a fic apparently and in this case I'd like to thank the entire twitter crew who all know who they are. Shoutouts especially to Cypress who word-warred me from beginning to end (and let me yell at her during the entire editing process and steal her wifi and cookies) and Robin who let me sort out plot points and character motivation by tweeting her approximately one million times. You guys are the best!

This fic has not undergone any external editing which means that any and all mistakes are purely mine.

I also wrote a longwinded meta about the difficulty of writing Bucky in this fic if you're into that sort of thing.

Reactions & Reviews

Hurts real bad, but ends good for those of us who can’t even with the feelings sometimes.[1]

This is Steve dealing and occasionally sort of not dealing with the aftermath of CATWS. He wants to bring Bucky home, but there are a few things he needs to accept about their new reality. I especially like how Steve tries to hang on and learn to settle into this, and how the flashbacks work telling the story set in present.[2]

This is a beautiful, quiet, slow-moving recovery fic. It’s told entirely from Steve’s point-of-view, a Steve who’s always been in love with Bucky Barnes but thinks his love was unrequited. When he finds Bucky, Steve is torn between trying to help Bucky to recover and build himself a life of his own, and yet wishing and hoping that Bucky will return his love. In a way, the fic is as much about Steve’s recovery as about Bucky’s. The author wrote great meta on writing Bucky in this fic, do check it out.[3]

a popular and decently long fic that goes into detail as to how painful Bucky's recovery would be for Steve and dredges up his own issues in the process. I think this was made influential due to timing too, because this was one of the earliest fics after the release of TWS that dealt extensively with Steve's issues just as much as Bucky's.[4]

Fanworks Inspired by the Story
