Young & Beautiful (One Direction story)

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Title: Young & Beautiful
Author(s): VelvetOscar
Date(s): May 27, 2014
Length: 227,417 words
Genre(s): College/University AU
Fandom(s): One Direction
External Links: Young & Beautiful at AO3
Cover art by 1dfanfictionbookcovers (2021)

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Young & Beautiful (Y&B) is a very popular One Direction Harry/Louis fanfic by VelvetOscar. It was published in 34 chapters all at once on May 27, 2014. The fic currently has over 954,260 hits on AO3.[citation needed]


Louis, to his horror, attends an elitist university in which the name Zayn Malik means something, Niall Horan doesn't stop talking, there are pianos everywhere, and Harry Styles, only son of a drug-addled, clinically insane ex-rocker, has a perfect smile and empty eyes.


In the notes the author said that "it was loosely based off of Brideshead Revisited (initially), but then it got a mind of its own, and now it’s basically just a ridiculous story that I want to have fun with."

VelvetOscar said that they were inspired to write Young & Beautiful by this gifset[1] and Lana del Rey's "Young & Beautiful." They said about Harry's character:

Because I listened to Lana Del Rey's "Young & Beautiful" and pictured this version of a warped Harry in a suit with a bowtie being an utter prick and yay!" and " I feel guilty because the real Harry is literal sunshine and flowers, but I'm having fun warping him in this story. SO. Just so you're warned, he's going to be a HOT MESS in the next chapter."

The author also created an exclusive page on her Tumblr to talk about the writing process and everything else that inspired her to write Y&B. The post can be seen here.[2]


Your like the modern day Oliver Wilde[3] but with the developed gay.

Thanks for writing an outstanding fic.

I would love to learn more about zayn and Liam's relationship and how they came together especially with how zayn was in love with Harry. I'm kinda captivated with their relationship because they seem so contrasting together.

I (in a non creepy way) kinda love you

Hands down, this is one of the most beautiful things I've ever read and I thank you for letting us be a part of such a magical world. This story has touched me like nothing I've ever come across on this website, so eloquent and poetic. I wish I had your way with words, the ability to paint such stunning pictures. Letting go of this universe must be one of the hardest things ever (the struggle is oh so real) as it has been a constant for me for so long, I was always very very excited when I saw a notification in my inbox saying that there's a new chapter, but I am very much looking forward to what else you can come up with. I just want to print this all out, find a nice cover and let it sit on my bookshelf among my other most precious books, so I can read it all over again. Maybe on a rainy day, in front of a fireplace with a nice cup of coffee or tea... I don't even know what I'm saying anymore, I'm such a mess.

I love absolutely everything about this, about you and sdfglkjsdgkjsdfhgjksdflgjk

/going back to my bed to have a nice cry

SSOOOOOOOOO i made the mistake of doing my makeup, turn on ed sheeran, and then check my email. I saw that you updated so I was like "oh finally! I'll read this and carry on with my day!"

two hours later im at my desk in my room sobbing my eyes out to 'Kiss Me' and I need to redo my makeup.

jesus christ im having issues bye

What even is air right now ??? Cause that was amazing . Idk what ill even do now that im done . I feel like a movie needs to be made . This is gonna be bigger than Harry Potter , Twilight , && Hunger Games all together .

I just aklfjdklalsgdl

I love your story so much, breathtaking honestly, every chapter is so good.. You write poetry my if im reading my old books clashing with the new fave scene is when harry's father left after the launching party, it's so full of emotion, actually all of this is so perfect, definitely one of my fave..and there are songs for every chapter, i love it... I love your characters especially louis he is really the sun here, a very positive character, how you evolve the love of harry to louis is perfect...the "moon knows that we're in love" is brilliant..

Congratulations! You deserve all the kudos here and continue what you do best..<3333


  1. ^ "Ivory&Gold". 2013-05-31. Archived from the original on 2021-09-04.
  2. ^ "Ivory&Gold - Young & Beautiful". 2021-09-04. Archived from the original on 2021-09-04.
  3. ^ In reference to writer Oscar Wilde