You Have My Heart (in your hands)

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Title: You Have My Heart (in your hands)
Author(s): rsadelle
Date(s): 26 Nov, 2009
Length: 36,470 words
Genre(s): drama, pregnancy
Fandom(s): Cobra Starship, Bandom
External Links: AO3

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You Have My Heart (in your hands) is a het Gabe/Victoria pregnancy fic by rsadelle. While not the most popular Cobra Starship fic, it is considered notable by some fans.

Reactions and Reviews

The adorable sweetness of this story killed me, and I died happy. I don't usually read baby!fics, but this just kept satisfying and warming my heart. If there were more chapters of them just living together and continuing life, I would totally read them, even if they had no point. It's just nice to be in their world. Your Victoria/Gabe is simply amazing and leaves me hungry for more. I don't even know how this started because I never read RPF. Now I don't know how I'm going to stop (unless I run out of fic).


It's been about three years since you wrote this and I just ran across it while finding old LJ comms for bandom stories. I loved every bit of it. I loved how natural the progression of Victoria and Gabe's relationship felt, how the story really focused on what Victoria was going through - her feelings, emotions, interactions with others - all of those factors made the story great. I'll definitely be bookmarking this one.



  1. ^ Comment (2013)
  2. ^ Comment (2012)